@aerilius said:
Since I'm relatively new to ruby/plugins, I haven't yet dared to propose SketchupExtension in the Plugin-Installer-Tool discussion,
I did. I asked Dana to have a look at my example, in another topic.
@aerilius said:
...but also because I had the impression that in its current state, it is neither useful to users nor was I sure whether it's well designed (I can not really judge about that).
Well, there is a difference between the Ruby functionality, and the Application UI functionality.
Most users hate the Preferences dialog panel interface, for several reasons:
Too small, only shows limited number in the list.* Panel cannot be sized.* The amount of attribute data displayed is fixed.* The list cannot be sorted (it's shown in load order.)
Now... the Ruby functionality issues (or short-comings,) have prevented others from creating a better manager. The most glaring is the one Dana is working on, that is "one-click" installation and updating. This is also the number one complaint.
@aerilius said:
I think it's important for this discussion that we know if it's necessary to invent our own "standard" how to manage/disable plugins,
It's more important that rubyists use a common class, that can be extended. For instance, we already have the issue where some plugins are Smustard Organizer compatible, but not SketchupExtension compatible, and visa versa.
There are quite a few plugins (a most all of the Google authored plugins,) that already use SketchupExtension class instances. It does make sense not to orphan them.
@aerilius said:
or if SketchupExtension could once become a serious possibility (with some overhaul ).
YES, and I've already done an overhaul, for my own use, and proved to myself that the class can be improved greatly (and the few current bugs fixed.)
BUT.. I don't "own" the class, it's a standard API class, so I can't release the code. I have about $2500 labor into it, and was wondering, if anyone would be interested in donating toward it. If a "donation piggybank" reached that amount I'd release it. (I wonder if I can convince 100 people to donate $25, or 2500 to donate a buck?)