@thomthom said:
@hsrhdrehre5654654 said:
I cant find the option "Convert Connected Mesh to QuadFaces". I know there are 3 connect options, but none of em are the one im looking for. At least that option is commented in the documentation but in the plugin itself, i cant find it.
That's probably the old name of "Convert Triangulated Mesh to Quads" - looks like docs are out of date. New version is coming though.
Btw, if you plan on using Artisan for subdivision then converting to QFT quads won't have much use - as it will treat QFT quads as two triangles instead.
Oh, i see. I didnt know Artisan manages faces as triangles and not quads.. i was trying to make all my faces as quads, because as i understand, they create better geometry and honestly dealing with triangles is an odyssey. Triangles are giving me a lot of trouble to create the correct geometry. Thats the reason i wanted to just pick a plain model and make quadfaces without the need to do it manually (it could take ages). Or probably since im new to Artisan and organic modelling i dont even know what im doing lol. Maybe is there a basic tutorial about organic modelling in sketchup ?
Maybe the whole approach im taking is wrong. And i dont even know where to start with dealing with organic modelling. The tutorials i found are based on relative basic models and all of em assume that the user already created the original mesh (control mesh i think its called). Well, i need to first get there...
What im doing is, i just create a cube and is tart adding quadfaces and extruding until i get the geometry i want (more or less). Then , in the curved surfaces i want to achieve i just join the quads creating the smooth geometry i want to get. I mean, is that the correct way or i am doing it wrong?
In the past , in some of my projects, for example, if i am modelling a spaceship what i do is to create the side profile, and the top profile. Then i create the geometry from that, i extrude and i mix the two parts to get the final form. Sometimes instead of that i just use the join faces plugin (cant remember the autor) to join the side and the top (slighty inclined to get the aspect of a hull wing, for example). And other methods depending of the type of the model.
In cases where i need to almost copy a image of a model, thats the best way i found. But i cant do it dealing with organic modelling because the faces it generates are too different in size/number of faces and in the end is a chaos.
So, i imagined that the best way using quadfaces + artisan is starting with just a cube and start making faces and extruding?? the problem with that is, to achieve the form from the original image is really hard. Talking about more complex models.
So any ideas on how to even start making an organic modelling? i am doing it right?
If thats the prcedure, how can i divide the surface of the cube, lets say into visible quadfaces??
Thanks in advance and sorry for the text wall. Amazing plugin Artisan and a great one Quadfaces, if i figure out a method to apply textures without losing distorsion / size i will definetly buy it!!. But at this rate im afraid i will not have time to even test the plugin before it expires lol!!