@panixia said:
@andybot said:
RT generally works instantly on the lighting/ camera position/ material definitions. The mesh has to be exported again if you make geometry changes to objects in the scene ..... However, I think a CUDA card will be on my xmas list.
have a quick look to the whole scene and lighting is still "magic", considering i spend the most time in setting to properly place the camera, adjust sun/lights etc..
and i just got a cuda card so.. can't wait!
but, if one can't see the proxy group in the viewport or move it in rt preview, how the placement/snapping of this object will be fine-tuned?
I don't know how exactly RT works, I'm just saying the update might take longer than just simply pressing the button and going. Proxies are definitely visible in the RT viewer, I just have no idea how responsive or not it will be.
Too bad about the lack of GPU rendering for RT. But knowing that DR will work is good news.
@Pete: thanks for the recommendation