Thanks Guys. I was under the impression that the difference in the layer toolbar between the MAC and WIN had been rectified. Since my friend is starting new with SU, he won't know what is missing and will be able just have to learn the other method of assigning objects to layers.
You can also use a transparent image [PNG file] as a texture, and then even with the material's opacity set at 100% you can see through a face that uses it and it will still cast shadows even when very transparent [ ] - unlike simple materials where low opacity settings stop casting shadows... you need to decide which way you want this to happen........
A quick little rewind plugin can easily be made. All the code needed is:
Sketchup.active_model.pages.selected_page = Sketchup.active_model.pages[0]
You can see the result when types into the Ruby Console.
A custom toolbar with extended controls maybe?
People really seem to have problems printing directly from SU.
Here is a quick fix solution:
Export all your scenes as images, then print them individually.
I hope this solves your problems until you get a real answer!
You need to draw something for the image to project onto first. So import the image, then line up the grips and bars and stuff, then start drawing. Then you can project the image onto the geometry.
Thanks for the replies. What I wanted was a line texture that would not result in objects i.e. closed rectangles. I had the notion that an image texture would be less resource hungry than a bunch thousands of lines. At any rate, I created it in AutoCad without allowing the ends to connect and imported. Will turn into jpg later.
thanks again
@thomthom said:
Ah, the AudoCAD syndrome. I see that often at work.
I have the opposite, as I work with SU all the time and only once in a while use AutoCAD.
just save as dwg R2000 - than it works
It only shows up if you have plugins installed and or enabled.
Go to Preferences and look for Extensions. Then turn on everything in there. One of those is installed in the plugins menu, and will therefore add it.
Otherwise just copy all your plugins from 6 to 7 and the menu will appear on its own.
In addition to Joe's suggestion, you might try SU's wood_deck_fake texture (in the wood library - it has a wider grooves, like most T-111 panels do) or a lap siding texture, rotated 90 degrees.