Zoom out and frame shows through skin?
Why does this happen. Lets say I make a frame of 2x4's. I then skin the frame in 1/4 or 1/2 in sheet goods. Every thing looks fine close up but when I zoom out the frame begins to show through the "skin". Why does this happen? Can it be prevented. Check scene1 + 2 in the example file.
Hi CalypsoArt, hi folks.
This is due to a limitation of OpenGL.
Lets call A, the distance from the observer to the outer skin of the wall and B, the distance from the observer to the inner skin of the wall which is also the outer skin of the framing components (2x4s).
As you move farter from the model, the difference between A and B becomes smaller. At some point, open GL cannot makes the difference and shows all it "sees" at the same distance.
The workaround is to hide the edges and faces of the frame that are causing the problem.
See attached SU file for ideas. This is your model where I hid all the faces and edges of the framing components that are in contact with the plywood sheet.
Dear Jean,
Thank you for your clear example. These small work-arounds make all the difference.
Kind regards,