@aris said:
No, the point is that you want to keep the initial components interlinked so as to keep working on them.What I want is to unlink the "children-components" from their perspective "parent components
while keeping them in place
If it's about one parent component with a child component, 'Cut' and 'Pasted in Place' or the 'Outliner' would suffice. But to get the child out of all parent instances and keep them all in place you also need the 'Component' browser and its option to replace a selection of components by another component.
Copy the parent =(A with child C) to the side.
Make it unique =(B with child C) > Get C out of parent B's environment > Componentize (B) + (C) into component D =((B)+(C))
Select all instances (A with child C) and via the 'Component' browser replace the selected components (A with child C) by component (D) > then explode (D) to get all instances (A) with all the respective instances (C) in place.
It's quite fast, even with hundreds of instances (A with child C)