I clobbered together a folder_browser as part of a larger code set using your ideas... as it's subject to a NDA I can't post it here, BUT here are some tips about what I changed/added - in no particular order...
I set a @ variable to represent the returned folderpath.
The starter is def startfb(dir=nil, input=nil)
this is to separate it from another 'start', by running it with arguments I can determine which directory to start the list in [dir] and then what action to take [def to run] with the resulting @folderpath [using input].
So we don't mess with the current working directory we remember it, reset it to dir then process and set it back on closing [inside the calling code NOT the fb itself]
I made it a sub-def of a wider class and ensured that @dlg etc were renamed so as not to clash with another @dlg I already had open.
I changed the dialog to be a fixed size [also added 'instructions' into the top-bar] - in the js etc I made the list 80% so it never squeezes the buttons off screen. I also swapped the location to the top of the dialog and removed the 'Location:' text as it sees clear what the string is anyway.
I changed the 'OK' button size to be bigger value=OK style='width:146px' and added new functions to 'Cancel' and 'New Folder' onclick="cancel()" and onclick="mkdir()"... These in turn 'call' back and close the dialog or open another dialog into which you can type the new folder name...
If you add a new folder it is added to the list immediately after the folder-up item, the rest are listed in order - this makes finding that new folder much easier - if you navigate away and back it will now get added to the list in the correct order...
The call back is a new sub-def called 'newfolder()' and that opens another simple dialog to get the the new name - it's trapped in my case to ensure it only has _ and alphanumerics in it - newDir.gsub!(/[^_A-Za-z0-9]/,''). It also checks for validity and preexistence and warns appropriately.
Dir.mkdir(newDir) @dlgfb.execute_script('clear_list()') self.populatefb(Dir.pwd, newDir)
Note how the populate def [renamed to avoid a clash] takes arguments - this is to set the starting directory and IF there's a new-directory to pass it over so that the list can be manipulated to have its name second on the updated list. list << file if File.basename(file) != newDir and
scr='appendDiv("../");' @dlgfb.execute_script(scr) scr='appendDiv("'+newDir+'");' if newDir
Then the list is appended...
@dlgfb.show_modal{} ensures that the dialog stays foremost until you Cancel or OK,
I added
img{ opacity:0.66; /*Firefox & Chrome*/ filter:alpha(opacity=66); /* IE */ }
to the css so that the images are slightly transparent and show the selected item through themselves.
I also edited the folder.png and erased the white edge areas so that it was 'transparent'. I also duplicated it as folderup.png and added an 'up' arrow onto it - this img is then added to the listed item IF its text is ../ - i.e. it's the navigate folder-up at the top of the list...
if ( txt == '../') d.innerHTML = '<img src="./folderup.png"/> '+txt; else d.innerHTML = '<img src="./folder.png"/> '+txt;
Also added tests for js's OK
if ( selected_elem == null ) my_alert(); else if ( selected_elem.innerText.trim() == "../" ) my_alert(); else use_this( selected_elem.innerText.trim() );
Where my_alert() opens an error message telling you to select a folder before clicking OK - - the first trap is you haven't selected a folder yet and the second is you've selected the first item 'folder-up' which can't be taken as a folder-path.
Also note how this
d.ondblclick = function(id) { selected_elem = null folder_select(;return(false); }
ensures that if you have double-clicked the folder-up item or another folder, to move the list into there, then there is nothing remembered as the selected_elem - otherwise hitting OK when you were in the next folder level would take the last selected folder [double-clicked >> current-folder] as the desired one which is not what's wanted - but this way my_alert() will tell you to select something in the current list before pressing OK...
I also changed the selection color to be less dark [ruby:3dez4ubj] = 'gray';[/ruby:3dez4ubj]
Hope these bits help...