Hi guys, been a while since I made a DC in SU & I'm having some issues.
I'm trying to build a dynamic retaining wall using the same size timber sleepers for posts.
I've managed to get the sleepers to copy up on the Z axis & the post to adjust it's length & position on Z axis as well, relative to the height of the wall (I've included the buried part of the post in it's total length, as you would if really building it). I've also got the post to copy along the X axis to the end of the sleepers plus half the post width to allow overlap for the next section of the retaining wall sleepers to fix behind.
Now, I'm not sure if this is the best way of making a parametric retaining wall, & I'm sure there are probably better ways, which I'd be interested to see. However, I'm keen to try to get this one to work & hopefully learn some tricks in regards to dynamic components. I don't want to make it too fancy but it would be good if I could get this to one to work.
So, using what I've got so far, I can't get the post length/position on Z axis to match the wall height. I've set up the sleepers so they copy up according to the Wall Height but can't get the post to adjust to match the top of the sleepers.
Also, I can't get the sleepers to copy along the X axis. I've tried but because I've already copied up on the Z axis, when I try to copy along the X axis, my copies move, not copy. I tried making the sleeper copies a sub-component in themselves to copy them along X axis, but when I did that, the Sleeper component disappears in the component attributes (bug?).
Anyway, I've attached the file if anyone is interested in helping. If anyone has any queries or suggestions don't hesitate to chuck em at me. Appreciate any help. Cheers.