@davesexcel said:
I am using an If else statement, I got it to work earlier in the code, but now I am having an issue grouping a new entity and finding it's face, it has to do with adding an arc and not adding an arc.
It seems to me that you define 'edg' twice if l=="Yes" but don't define it at all if l=='No'.
#ROUND Nose Yes/No<<<<<<
if l=="Yes"
puts "top hanger round nose"
#add arc<<<<<<
edg = ent5.add_line [0,b+3,b-c], [0,b+3-0.5,b-c] ;vrt1=edg.end
ent5.add_arc [0,b+3-0.5,b-(c/2)],[0,0,b+3-1],[-1,0,0],-c/2.0,0,180.degrees,12
edg = ent5.add_line [0,b+3+h,b], [0,b+2.5,b];vrt2=edg.start
#end Add Arc<<<<<
puts "top hanger square nose"
edg=ent5.add_line [0,b+3,b-c], [0,b+3-1,b-c]#<<<< edg
ent5.add_line [0,b+3-1,b-c], [0,b+3-1,b]
ent5.add_line [0,b+3-1,b] , [0,b+3+h,b]
#add the face to the entities in the model
edg.find_faces; face=edg.faces[0]
face.pushpull wdth
[image: 9RTt_Stairs.gif]