Thanks, Thomthom. Time to play!
RE: Sketchup ur Space & Sketchup 4 Architect stolen content
@unknownuser said:
...deleted post...
That is not Matt, but unscrupulous people trying to make a buck from his affiliate deal. I can confirm that Matt is totally legit and would never act like these buffoons.
RE: 3d printed robot parrot
Fantastic project, Brian! The movements of the parrot look pretty darn natural.
@piratebrian said:
Does anyone know what the Plugin is that allows you to grab onto a vertex?
The move tool will let you manipulate an individual vertex - or are you thinking of Vertex Tools?
I like your trial-and-error template for screw holes. One tip that may help would be using fewer sides on your small circles for screw holes. 6 sides would be plenty, and will even print more accurately to the intended size.
Thanks for sharing here!
RE: Fast as an electric golf cart
...and then you have this guy smoking a Ferrari with his bicycle!
RE: I need to get this off my chest
@dan rathbun said:
...It's just a website!
Dan...with all due respect, that statement really belittles the many hours of effort many folks have put into Sketchucation. I like to think of it as a community- a community that volunteered donations for you when you had a rough time. What other 'just a website' would do that for you?
I do think the padlock icons are misleading, now that I see them. The way I browse the forum, using a bookmarked link to "New posts", I never even noticed them before.
RE: Smooth models turn to mesh. Stays that way.
You can do that from the Styles dialog...Window > Styles. To make it easy to switch, you can save 2 scenes - one with each style.
RE: SketchUp 2015 is 64bit
@SU team, thanks for a great release. Glad to see Trimble taking the program in a fresh direction.
RE: Sketchup ur Space & Sketchup 4 Architect stolen content
@Box, I get what you're thing that would help NOT drive traffic to their site is to make your link in the 2nd post of this thread not clickable.
I too have experienced Rajib copying an article I wrote and reposting it on his site. He removed it after Matt from MasterSketchup and I emailed him asking him to remove it. I refused to create content for their site after seeing how shabby the site was run.
RE: Need advice closing a solid to print w/ Solid Inspector
Tomasz, can you upload the model so we can take a look at it? If you'd like to keep it private, you may PM it to me and I'll check it out.
RE: Need advice closing a solid to print w/ Solid Inspector
Welcome to the forum, Tomasz!
If the model is solid other than those holes, I recommend saving the file as an STL, and uploading to You can then download the fixed file after a few minutes.
"Briefly" - a documentary
@unknownuser said:
The end goal of Briefly is to help inform and inspire future generations of collaborators to write better briefs and manage the briefing process differently in order to help lead to exceptional creative results.
So while every project will still start with a brief, the dream is that more projects end up exceptional because of how these creative titans inspire (or re-inspire) the way we all think about briefs.
The video features interviews with Frank Gehry (Founder Gehry Partner), Yves Béhar (CEO fuseproject), Maira Kalman (Illustrator), John C Jay (President @ GX, Partner @ Wieden + Kennedy), David Rockwell (CEO Rockwell Group), and John Boiler (CEO 72andSunny).
A good 26 minute watch!
RE: Solid Inspector Help
@skenn2121 said:
Is there an extension that will confirm this is ready for printing or is that what the solid inspector does?
Solid Inspector will make sure the model is solid, and most models will print as long as they're solid. There are other things that can cause a print to fail, like features that are too thin, but there isn't a plugin that will confirm that a part will print correctly - that just comes with practice!
RE: Solid Inspector Help
Hey Shaun, did you get your problem sorted with Dave's help?
Also check out Cleanup for reducing file sized and making quick work of fixing those tedious coplanar faces.
RE: Sketchup To CNC Routering
Aidan from the Sketchup team wrote a detailed blog post about laser cutting (basically the same process as CNC routing) a model here:
RE: Online tutorials for layout?
Matt from MasterSketchup wrote a great Layout tutorial:
Edited to add a link to his Youtube channel, since you asked for videos!
RE: VSF`s HMS Ontario Appears on Animal Planet
Huge congrats!
Here's a link to the show:
RE: Thickness
Hi TJ, welcome to the forum!
For printing in ABS or PLA on a model this size, 2 mm thickness would be a good start. For large flat walls, maybe adding 5mm thick ribs every so often would be a good idea to add strength.
RE: Create the window-frame.
If you attach your model, we can take a look and troubleshoot. Hard to tell what is happening in your pictures.
RE: Help! how to 3d-print architectural masterplan
@joncobreti said:
( just i was wondering.....what do you think about use meshlab for simplify the mesh adn late use basic netfabb for fix the error......??)
and is better try to create a single mesh like a skin....or print the base for one side and all the buildind box for another...?Thank you
Antonio, how big will the final model be?
If larger than your printer, you need more than one mesh - either you make a single mesh and cut it up, or you model the pieces separately from the beginning.
If the entire model will fit on your printer, then you can use a single mesh.
Regarding Meshlab and need to get the model a little better before those programs will help you. The Google Earth terrain is probably has no thickness, so you need to work on that first. Then I recommend for fixing the file - if it doesn't work, then you'll have to go back to Sketchup and do some fixing up.