Looking good!
RE: Help! how to 3d-print architectural masterplan
Hi Antonio, welcome to the forum!
To print your model, the first thing you want to do is determine what scale you want to print at, so you can figure out the size of the final model. Looking at the build area of your Up plus 2 printer, you can print up to 140mm x 140mm x 135mm. Since the overall size of your final model will likely be larger than that, you'll have to divide it into sections that will fit onto your printer, and then assemble the parts later.
Once you know the final model scale, you can make the model that size and then make it "Solid" for printing. Your model doesn't look to complex (just a few simple boxes), so this step shouldn't be too hard. Since your printer doesn't support full color printing, you don't have to worry about the textures in the model.
For this step, you could use a simple solid rectangular group, and using the original model as reference, copy the solid group around to replace the existing buildings. Use the Scale tool to make each copied group match the size of each building. You don't need to hollow the buildings, since you can use a ~25% infill setting on your printer. The ground plane will need to have some thickness too, maybe 2 mm.
For assembling all the printed parts, you'll have to get creative. Maybe make a jigsaw pattern for the ground plane parts, so they snap together after printing? If you made a little depression of 1mm in the ground plane where each building sits, you could print the buildings separately and just snap them in place afterwards. How you do it depends on the scale of the overall model.
Does that help? Any other questions?
RE: Nonsolid object becoming solid when exported to Cura
Great, and please post photos of the finished print and cookies once you make them!
RE: Nonsolid object becoming solid when exported to Cura
Looks like TIG has your question sorted
Also note that you'll want to add some geometry connecting the free-floating eye and mouth parts, or else you'll end up with 3 separate pieces after printing - unless that is what you intended
RE: Re: Some Funny Pics.
Hey baz - bit of an over-reaction, don't you think? sure the dog doesn't really fit the thread, but your comments don't make it better.
Also 'hate' is pretty strong...you don't have to look if you don't like a certain thread.
RE: Sign for Peace in Palestine UPDATE!
Re: Jews and Arabs living peacefully together, I really like the social media campaign happening right now with the hashtag "#JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies"
Maybe I'm a dreamer...I can't begin to imagine how hard it is to reconcile family members killed by the "other side", but I'm very glad to see some of those affected working towards it.
RE: Sign for Peace in Palestine UPDATE!
Mike, when you ask,
@mike lucey said:What right has one nation to block world access to another nation?
At this point, what would the alternative be? To allow free access and therefore the suicide bombings that were carried out in the past? Then we would be lamenting the mass deaths of Israelis right now, instead of Palestinians. Lives on both sides are valuable.
Perhaps a mediated solution that you speak of similar to what worked in Ireland could work here as well. I really do think the Jews and Arabs could live peacefully together - it has happened before in history and still does in some areas of Israel today, but a broad solution is beyond me.
RE: Sign for Peace in Palestine UPDATE!
Some links providing info from the 'other' point of view:
While trying to stop attacks against its civilians, Israel continues to provide aid to the Palestinian civilians.
http://mfa.gov.il/MFA/ForeignPolicy/Peace/Humanitarian/Pages/Israeli-humanitarian-aid-continues-10-Jul-2014.aspxHamas Priorities - Terror tunnels over hospitals and schools.
Terror tunnel entrance near civilian utilities
Hamas hiding rockets in UN Schools
@unknownuser said:
For the second time in a week, the United Nations agency disclosed that rockets were discovered in one of their vacant schools.
Hamas have a guide on effective kidnapping - remember what started this current ground operation?
And remember the famous quote by Israel's Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu:
@unknownuser said:
The truth is that if Israel were to put down its arms there would be no more Israel. If the Arabs were to put down their arms there would be no more war.
RE: 3D printing Tips and tricks needed for model
@solo said:
That online solution was the monkeys balls, worked like a charm.
Excellent! Glad to hear that, Pete
RE: Failed exporting to STL - any suggestions?
keknor, did dukejazz's suggestions help you? You may have to type the file extension [.stl] at the end of the filename after you export it, since the exporter doesn't always do that automatically.
RE: 3D printing Tips and tricks needed for model
There is also an online version of Netfabb that is much more powerful than the downloadable version. Simply upload your model as an .STL file (exporter available here), and in a few minutes you can download a cleaned, and usually watertight model ready for 3D Printing.
That service has not failed me yet, and their terms of service say they will treat your model with confidentiality. It may fail if the model has large parts missing, as the fixing is all automatic, but if the model just has lots of small errors you should be just fine.
RE: 3D Genetic Engineering to Organs & Body Parts
U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) launches a biomedical file-sharing site
NIH 3D Print Exchange -
RE: 3D Print Terrain, solid, JointPushPull
Cheers, glad that helped
RE: 3D Print Terrain, solid, JointPushPull
Hi Johan, welcome to the forum!
sdmitch made a plugin that is handy for terrain: Add Terrain Skirt, which is the 2nd plugin in his post.
See the attached file, which was created in seconds with his plugin.
RE: Interesting 3D printing article
Fantastic article about the Formlabs Form1 printer
RE: Exclusive 20% Discount on 3D Printing with SketchUp book
Thanks Rich!
I'm happy to answer any questions you all have about the book in this thread.
RE: Adventures in 3D printing Sketchup models
3D Printing is for Housewares!
These mini keg shotglasses are 3D printed in ceramic powder, then glazed and fired in a kiln.
This is a tea candle holder that I made as a gift for my sister in 2010. She still uses it almost every day! Printed in SLS nylon.
A lamp also made in SLS nylon. Its fun to pick up and play with, and also throws a neat pattern when lit.
RE: Adding detail to a sofa
Member Alvis (Gintas Mikutis) has some tutorials here on the forum and a few books in the store for modeling sofas: http://sketchucation.com/shop/books