+1 on the entire render and especially the fountain.
RE: Recent Work and the Dreaded Night Shot :::
RE: Growing a plan
Wow...its great the more I look at it the better it gets - there are so many details!
RE: Texture Packs search
Excellent texture pack - thanks!! Is there a way to make those 2000 textures accessible through the native SU materials browser? I unzipped the folder into the SU Materials folder, but then discovered they have to be in .skm format - not .jpg. Help, please!
RE: Music Video created in Sketchup
Here is a video of how he made it...These two videos even made it into the Sketchupdate! http://sketchupdate.blogspot.com/2009/07/he-made-music-video-with-sketchup.html
Music Video created in Sketchup
This is a music video created by David Righton's one man band called Roche Limit(not me). The cool thing is, the video was created mostly in Sketchup and only cost about $12 Canadian dollars to make. This is not my video, I just saw it and wanted to share this creative use of Sketchup. If anyone objects to me posting this, tell me and I will remove it.
RE: 3700 Big Blvd. (Various times of Day)
Yeah, it is crisp, but I think its the pollution-free atmosphere of the location its in.
What city is it, so I can move there? (I hope its not L.A. or Mexico City
Seriously though, excellent rendering.Are the glowing windows and head/taillight streaking done in Photoshop or Vray?
My only critique is the reflections in the windows of the 1st and 2nd renders are too crisp...most windows have a littledirt on them, right?In the last render, the reflections are blurred more realistically.
RE: Stone Stables / Coach House Conversion
@mike lucey said:
Hope this explains things a little better.
Yes, it does! Thanks, and what font are you using in those plans?
I also have made some 2D plans in Sketchup, and was looking for workflow ideas. I like the idea to model the interior separate from the exterior.
Thanks again.
RE: Hunting Lodge 18th Century (WIP)
Looks pretty good from my newbie viewpoint - but scale does need to be fixed, and maybe add a sidewalk or path to the door. What render engine did you use?
RE: Complete model of the Russian Kremlin
That is super cool! The flag blowin' in the wind at the top of the tower adds a nice touch.
RE: Stone Stables / Coach House Conversion
This looks like a fun project! The 3d model is obviously Sketchup...are the 2D plans done in SU as well? If so, do you draw each plan as a separate model, or just make a section of the 3D model?
RE: 2010 Fontaine Infinity Drop Deck
See this tutorial on how to mirror: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbbuqskh0wo
Otherwise, just draw one half of something that is symmetrical, then copy it, and right click and choose "flip along" the appropriate axis. Put the two halves together like in the video, then you can then hide the lines in the center if need be.
RE: Random renders (updated)
Excellent render as usual...I love the manhole cover detail. Could you post a link to the tutorial you mentioned?
RE: House in thailand udontani
Very nice renders!
Thanks for posting here.
Is everything modeled in Sketchup, or was there Photoshop work after the render?
RE: Barn
Looking really good ...now if was in a barnyard setting, it would look really, really good.
RE: 2010 Fontaine Infinity Drop Deck
I like it....lots of details - excellent modeling
RE: Bigfoot (updated)
I honestly thought that last picture was a photo at first glance
Really excellent job!
...I always wonder how to make good renders, but maybe its not something a person can learn - or is it? What goes thru your head when creating a render scene? Composition, lighting, shadow effects? Is there a place with tutorials where I can learn this skill/art? -
RE: [Request] Decorative Corbel
Thanks Mike,
That should work just fine...watch for a post of the finished product - a fireplace mantle.