@unknownuser said:
SU exports are at 72 dpi. If I need a nice crisp drawing, I do the
following: In the Export 2D Graphic Dialogue Box, go to Options.
Uncheck "Use view size" and set a larger image size. I like my images
to be 300 dpi for the most part, so if I want a 10" wide image, I set
the width to (300 dpi x 10") = 3000 pixels. Then use photo editing
software to reset the size and dpi before you send to your client.
This does not work for me. I would think that SU asks to set image size if other than view it might remain at 72 dpi max, though it does seem to export as you input for the view, thereby upping the res for the view, somewhat contrary to the dialog: it is still the view but at a higher res. But then when I import the supposedly higher res image it looks no better, even worse as it is more gray, less black, even after converting to 2 color (black and white, and sharpening). Probably for an attempted line drawing export, anti-alias should be 'off'???