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  • Collaborative Effort - Ruby Template, RDoc, and Localization

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    36 Posts
    Dan RathbunD
    @jim said: What about creating an abstract base class named Plugin which provides inspectors for the information? Not only could inspectors be created for name, author, copyright, license, etc; but also inspectors for menus, Commands and toolbar images? This way, external applications (menu organizers, etc) can simply ask the plugin about itself. I've actually done some playing around & testing this past week along these lines, before I saw this post. I had seen, in many standard (extra Sketchup) ruby scripts, that coders were just declaring a string constant "VERSION" at the top of their outer code blocks. This could be easily accessed ie:, Module::VERSION. But then the spark for me was seeing somewhere (perhaps within the RubyGems files,) someone took it a baby step forward by making the constant VERSION a Hash with 4 elements, the first 3 Integer components of the version number, and the 4th a string concatonation of the first 3. ie: VERSION=[MAJOR => 0, MINOR => 0, TEENY => 0, STRING => (MAJOR,MINOR,TEENY).join(".") ] This was a bit better, as you could get any one of the version components for comparison, without having to convert to numeric, by calling as an example: if Module;;VERSION[MAJOR] < 7 {..do a block..} Or if you wanted the whole version string, you'd call, like so: messagebox( "The plugin version is; #{Module;;VERSION[STRING]}" ) But the spark had not yet ignited into flame until I stumbled across the standard ruby class OpenStruct. When I read the filenotes in 'ostruct.rb', I immediately thought this is perfect for versioning !! OpenStruct is similar to the built-in class Struct, but really makes it act like a true data object should act in an object oriented language like Ruby. Struct on the other hand is so much like a hash, there doesn't seem to be much benefit in it; as you still set and access values as you would in a hash object. OpenStruct is SO MUCH better! You simply state a new object name = followed by OpenStruct.new(keylist), where the keylist is just that; a list of data keys to create. The class creates all the keys as attributes, and automatically sets up getter and setter accessors for each one! (Pssst! [whispering off topic this would also be great for ruby-side JSON as OpenStructs will look and act just like Javascript Objects..)] So my thoughts are to set up a custom subclass of OpenStruct called VersionStruct, or just a custom class called VersionStruct that uses an OpenStruct. Still playing and testing which way is better. Any way the goal is to have something that is all setup correctly that can be either 'included' or mixed-in into a top code block, so the module or class inherits the data structure; OR instanstiated into a code block if it's set up as a class. (I cannot see making coders cut and paste a codeblock into everyscript, errors may creep in.) Anyway.. after instantiating a VersionStruct, a coder would set the fields, then freeze the VERSION object (so the data cannot be changed after the script is loaded.) Example: ['RubyTools' is a fictional Namespace.] module DandyCode VERSION = RubyTools;;VersionStruct.new(2,1,4) # first 3 parameters are integers; major, minor, teeny # note VERSION.string is created automatically VERSION.author="Ruby A. Coder" VERSION.copyright="(c) 2010 by author" VERSION.disclaimer="No Waranty...no particular purpose...author to be held harmless ...etc" # can be preset VERSION.termsOfUse="Free for Public Use...etc." # can be preset VERSION.title="Title of this plugin code" VERSION.description="A short explanation of it's features." VERSION.minSUverMajor=7 VERSION.minSUverMinor=1 VERSION.dependancies=self.DependancyList VERSION.exclusions=self.ExclusionList VERSION.freeze DependancyList = Array.new DependancyList[0] = DependancyItemStruct.new(module='JRF;;Inputbox', minverMajor=2) ExclusionList = Array.new ExclusionList[0] = ExclusionItemStruct.new(module='SluggishKeyTrapper', allVers=true) VERSION.freeze .. more code ... end # module Anyway.. ideas to chew on... Currently.. I'm only playing with a VERSION structure that has Major, Minor, Teeny and String attributes. The other attributes in the above example, or discussed in the prior posts, could be in a separate struct as Jim suggested called 'Plugin' or whatever. (We've seen a similar thing done with the Sketchup Extension Class, except that it's put in a separate file.) For those interested, who don't have a full ruby install, I attach the ostruct.rb file that ships with Ruby 1.9.1 (put it in a folder that's in the search path, perhaps the Tools folder. I personally have it in a folder named 'Library' which I put in my search path.) ostruct.rb
  • Ruby Cost.rb Script File

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Jim, Thanks for the information. It worked. MPKArch
  • How to get face uvs if texture is applied to component inst

    0 Votes
    18 Posts
    Thanks Thomas!
  • [Code] Ruby Extension for Sketchup color integers

    0 Votes
    7 Posts
    Dan RathbunD
    Added to the original post (root of thread,): Clarification: As discussed in the thread below... these methods really belong within the class to which they provide benefit and functionality. This class or classes, would be any Color object class that is defined in ruby, for whatever purpose. The example code can be rewritten slightly, so as to make it a generic mix-in module, for including in any Color class definition. In this way any Color class could inherit the conversion methods in the mixin module. Such a module would have as it's first line "module ColorIntegerConversion" instead of "class ::Integer", and this will be the way that it would be submitted for Standard Ruby, NOT as an extension to the ruby base Integer class.
  • How to tell when a material is not really a material (Image)

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    This is something that the manual should mention. I'll add it to the list.
  • Evaluate a dynamic attribute in Ruby?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Chris FullmerC
    Yes. Dynamic components store their dynamic attributes in attribute dictionaries on the compopnent (or the definition mayeb). So dig through the attribute dicts to find one from the dynamic comp, and it will have all the values in there. Chris
  • Ending a tool

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    @adamb said: I've always used Sketchup.active_model.tools.pop_tool so it returns to whatever you had before rather than forcing the use of SelectionTool. Adam Do yo have to use Sketchup.active_model.tools.push_tool to activate the tool then? Because I tried Sketchup.active_model.tools.pop_tool when I had activated the tool using Sketchup.active_model.tools.select_tool - and that did not seem to do anything.
  • Cutlist plugin in reverse?

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    For each piece you really need several extra columns in the worksheet, giving the x/y/z location in the world, the x/y/z rotation in the world and the x/y/z scaling in the world - ideally it should be a 16 item transformation matrix so you can easily set the piece's transformation from it... tr=object.transformation trans=tr.to_a scalex=Math.sqrt(trans[0]**2+trans[1]**2+trans[2]**2) scaley=Math.sqrt(trans[4]**2+trans[5]**2+trans[6]**2) scalez=Math.sqrt(trans[8]**2+trans[9]**2+trans[10]**2) scale=scalex scale=scaley if scaley>scale scale=scalez if scalez>scale puts " <pos>#{trans[12]} #{trans[13]} #{trans[14]}</pos>\n" puts " <scale>#{scale}</scale>\n" puts " <rotation>\n" puts " <matrix>\n" puts " #{trans[0]/scalex} #{trans[4]/scaley} #{trans[8]/scalez} #{trans[1]/scalex} #{trans[5]/scaley} #{trans[9]/scalez} #{trans[2]/scalex} #{trans[6]/scaley} #{trans[10]/scalez}\n" puts " </matrix>\n" puts " </rotation>\n" The rotation/scaling are inexorability linked using sines/cosines of the rotation angles in x/y/z etc in a complex but predictable way...
  • How to apply attributes through code? and how do they work?

    0 Votes
    21 Posts
    Things [each called an Entity] that are 'visible' in a model are typically geometry [lines, faces etc], and groups and components [what is commonly called a component is actually a 'component-instance']. These groups and instances contain geometry - they can also contain sub-groups and other instances. This is a simplified picture since there's also Images, Text, Dimensions etc etc but lets keep it simple ! Within the model's 'database' there are other things you can't see but that you can use - inside 'collections' called Materials, Layers, Styles and ComponentDefinitions. Each of these will have entries like Material, Layer, Style and ComponentDefinition. So far so good ? When you look at the Components in the Browser you are looking into the model's database and seeing the Component-definitions available for use. When you select [highlight] something in a model you can get its 'class' [typename etc] so with the initial examples above you have Sketchup::Edge, Sketchup::Face, Sketchup::Group and Sketchup::ComponentInstance. Let's assume you have somehow set a variable instance=ss[i] which is a Sketchup::ComponentInstance. You can find its definition thus definition=instance.definition Now you can find an instance.definition but conversely you can find a definition.instances [i.e. all of that definition's instances] Any particular definition's instance doesn't contain anything at all - it is a marker for the definition itself, so instance.definition.entities gives you a list of entities inside the definition that that instance is using... You can even 'swap' an instance's definition for another one: instance.definition=another_definition ...
  • Ideas for 2 simple but usefull plugins.

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Thankx for tricks.. MALAISE
  • What is this?

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Looks like an example of using a DLL to get sketchup to talk to another program. Perhaps something similar is included with the SDK? othrwise it'll just be something somebody else has put together to try it out/demonstrate it.
  • Adding observers to a group of entities

    0 Votes
    3 Posts
    Here is an abridged version: class EntityObserver def onChangeEntity(entity) puts entity.to_s + " changed" end end $entityObserver = EntityObserver.new def addObserver Sketchup.active_model.selection.each{|entity| entity.add_observer($entityObserver)} end def removeObserver Sketchup.active_model.selection.each{|entity| entity.remove_observer($entityObserver)} end If you have one entity selected, it adds and removes fine, but if you have more than one entity selected, it only removes the first entity in the selection.
  • Can I &quot;store&quot; a material as object in a variable?

    0 Votes
    16 Posts
    Yes, I just noticed that is no use to have bitmap data as binary in ruby. Because when asigning texture image to a created material m = materials.add "mat1" m.texture = "C;/texure.jpg" We don't really add that texture, but pass the path to SketchUp and there, inside that evil thing some magic happens and it grabs the texture with the claws. So, yes... we need the bitmap as file on disk before any attempt to do anything.
  • Components

    0 Votes
    12 Posts
    TIG, Got it, thanks: model = Sketchup.active_model selection = model.selection selection.each do |i| puts "Component(s)" if i.is_a? Sketchup;;ComponentInstance puts i.definition.name i.definition.entities.each do|j| if j.is_a? Sketchup;;ComponentInstance puts j.definition.name j.definition.entities.each do|k| if k.is_a? Sketchup;;ComponentInstance puts k.definition.name end end end end end end Now, to organize as a proceedure to accomplish the above (3 levels) to the nth level:-}
  • Componentreporter.rb

    0 Votes
    6 Posts
    I went through the cutlist.rb instructions again on my project and it works great. I had to move a number of component axis. Thanks.
  • Good introductory books on 3D programming?

    0 Votes
    13 Posts
    I think I have to get a few of these books. Computational geometry: algorithms and applications let me calculate a 2D convex hull. (I had no idea what it was before.) http://books.google.no/books?id=tkyG8W2163YC&dq=Computational+Geometry:+Algorithms+and+Applications&printsec=frontcover&source=bn&hl=no&ei=bLYFS9r_DcP3-AbKiozWDQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=4&ved=0CBkQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=&f=false
  • Removing 2D entities from skp using script

    0 Votes
    15 Posts
    I think the defacto standard in this forum is that the original poster (e.g. you) edits his/her first post and adds [Solved] to the beginning of the title, to let people know there is a solution in the thread. I could be wrong, though, since I'm also quite new here...
  • Help downloading and installing Fredoscale

    0 Votes
    2 Posts
    Hi there! Take a look at the http://forums.sketchucation.com/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=17948&st=0&sk=t&sd=a, scroll down, find and download FredoScale 2.0h.zip. A brief explanation should also be there. Let us know if this helps. Oh, and FredoScale 2.0 requires LibFredo6 3.1 http://www.sketchucation.com/forums/scf/viewtopic.php?f=180&t=17947#p144178
  • Looking for a plugin to dispaly cordinate

    0 Votes
    5 Posts
    Thanks, Chris.
  • Asking For Help Points are not planar (resolved)

    0 Votes
    9 Posts
    @thomthom said: @mcdull said: i have solved the problem ,thank u And what was it? when i generate 3d wall,some points are not planar.i have changed the function.
