I was attempting to make a materials list from the component report.rb. The csv file is great and lists all parts of my project in a useful manner (to me) if they are oriented in a vertical or horizontal manner. However the diagonal members like a roof rafter are listed with only the drawings xyz axis lengths which doesnt give me a size of the object. changing the objects axis doesn't seem to help. I realize I am probably using this rb for other than which it was intended. Is there an alternative solution to gather the information I am seeking?
What I would like is a report that generates a list of objects, their total instances and their overall dimensions for a materials list.
Componentreport.rb is almost everything I need. -
Maybe apply some 'ticks'...
If you know it's a rafter (name/layer?) look at its edges and get the length of one that's not the width/depth ? == length on rake ? -
Thank you Tig. One work around is to create a second skp file for a take off and move all diagonally arranged members to a horizontal plane and then run the script. Or.. knowing in advance I can note the measurements in the discription pane of the component creation dialog which will be listed in the csv. Maybe I can learn ruby scripting.
Try CutList
I have cutlist but its limitied to 12 foot lengths and seems to not like the larger projects.
I went through the cutlist.rb instructions again on my project and it works great. I had to move a number of component axis. Thanks.