You observation of the 16Th of an inch dimensions is a keen one. Normally I do not dimension to that degree of accuracy. In this case however,
we are the builder, and the field dimensions were taken by me and the drawing of the stone is actually the size that it will be cut to.
The Stone supplier may choose to adjust slightly if it makes sense to them to do so, but this gives them an accurate starting point.
Also, math does not lie. If I take an existing overall measurement and need a certain equal number of divisions within that measurement and it comes out
at xx 1/16", so be it. The guys in the field will laugh, call me an idiot, discuss what color the sky is in my world, and then make it happen, but they will at least have an accurate plan to start with.
I absolutely agree that the craftsman should be shown what we want, not how to get there. Especially when dealing in such artistic mediums as interior
cut stone and Finish carpentry. The good ones are artists!
Thanks for your thoughtful comments. I will post finished photos.