works great now to see if I can create a ruby with an icon so the script can be run by clicking an icon. I also may want to add an identifier tag to the components IE: VR-Scene name or even VR-cam-## and then the numbers would be progressively created based on the scene order.
We are trying to create an import script for Unity that would create jump or teleport positions based on SketchUp scene cameras. So when a model is exported in FBX format and then Imported into Unity the unity script would automatically place a teleport location at each "proxy" for a camera. This way if you have a SketchUp file with scenes for kitchen, dining, bedroom, hall, basement, etc. when exported and then imported into Unity we can use the Xbox controller on the Rift to teleport you to those preset camera locations in the model.
I'll see if I can take it from here but I may come back and ask for your help.
thanks again for getting me this so quickly.