Seeking Minneapolis Sketchup user for teaching assistant
I will be teaching a class on Google Sketchup for Northwestern University, Center for Talented Development
Gifted Education - Gifted and Talented Programs | Northwestern Center for Talent Development
CTD at Northwestern University. Leader in gifted education since 1982. In-person and online academic acceleration and enrichment programs PreK β grade 12. Parents, educator programs.
It will be an Accelerated Weekend Experince (AWE)for gifted kids age 10-16
on November 12th and 13th in Minnetonka or Eden Prairie Minnesota.
As part of the course structure there is an allowance in the budget for a teaching assistant.
the course will be 5 hours a day for two days for a total of 10 hours of instruction time. The TA would make $12 per hour for a total of $120.00 but the teaching experience would be more valuable in my opinion.
here is a bit more information about the course I will be teaching:
A video I made for the course which I taught this summer:
The Sketchup Models the kids get at the start of the course:
Lesson 001 video 002 video there is anyone interested please email me;
prader (at) nvizeon (dot) com
I will need to put you in touch with the program coordinator with Northwestern University