unbelievable! Well this is an essential plugin! What can they still do at Google?
SU has become a full functional modeller at the moment...
Thanks Chris!
unbelievable! Well this is an essential plugin! What can they still do at Google?
SU has become a full functional modeller at the moment...
Thanks Chris!
This is a brilliant Plug-In...Super. Fredo fantastic!!! This is just what SU needed, just that little extra spline modelling tool. And for free! Better then the Booltools where you'll have to pay for and works 25% of the time...
Fredo you're my hero!
Thanks Gaius, I'm going to try that.........
Thanks Gaieus for your very very complete answer!! Well, what you suggest should be in it! That there's an option whether you want to keep the material names. At the moment I'll have to puzzle every time there's an update of a plan to find out wich material belongs where. Very annoying and amateurish I guess. But there hasn't been an update for the collada plugin anywhere or a tool(I've been searching and I couldn't find any by the way)? The collada exporter has THE advantage that it generates instances in C4D...
Dear SU-pers,
When I export my models to Cinema 4d(in the one and only, praise the lord....allmost) collada-extension I lose all of my given material names. If this can be solved I'll be the happiest person in the world. Does anyone have a solution for it?!
Thanks in advance!
THANKS to you all!!!
And by the way it's true what Norbert said...My ikd crappy P4 3.0 ghz is faster then my quadcore!
...sorry that my reply took so long...but anyway thanks for the replies!!
I had a Nvidia 8800GTS 32OmB card and sold it to buy myself a "professional" graphic card with sufficient memory on it. The card costed 500,- euros and a 8800 gts costed 150,-. And well I can hardly see the difference between these two really. OK, the Quadro card is slighty faster, but I'm really not stunned.
I'm working on a 64bit platform (windows 7),8gb memory, the processor is a 6600 quadcore and my hardisk is a 80gb Intel X25 ssd. Cinema4d is going like a razor but Sketchup feels like sluggish....
Hi all SketchUppers!!
Does anyone have a good preset for a Quadro 1700 card that I can load into the NVIDIA control. I'm not so satisfied about the card and I wonder if this is a software issue(setting) or a hardware issue.
Sorry guys...I'm breaking into this discussion...but has anyone experienced the diffenrence with SU and a SSD??? Does a SSD boost the performance of SU?
Thank you!!!
...even that it is still in a beta stage, I would really like to stress that the approach is brilliant!! Great work Qpik!!!
Brilliant Fred06! Great programming!!! I really really wonder whether Google looks to these plugins, because you can't really model without them actually...But nevertheless they couldn't do better then you've done! Great!
GOOGLE SHOULD THANK PEOPLE LIKE YOU! This plugin is exactly what SU needed in the 7th version but they didn't see it. You're brilliant. THNX!!!