bump... anyone?
Vray diffuse colour at a distance help
Hi Guys,
So I'm playing around with mass rendering some heavy vray proxies. The proxy was originally exported from 3DS then re-textured in sketchup.
For some reason at a distance the maps with transparency are changing to the diffuse colour in the render below I changed the colour.
Any ideas on how to fix this, I probably just need some fresh eyes on it.
RE: Rhino export to sketchup render problem (help)
For some reason VR is scaling up each exported component of eash window pane. Is there an easy batch fix for this?
If I explode the group of window components it seems to render okay. but I would rather not have to do this each time/variation. As I'm also worried about the file becoming unnecessarily large.
Rhino export to sketchup render problem (help)
Hi Guys,
Can someone please give me some advice here I'm stumped with an import/rendering problem I'm having.
So.. I need a lot of features in SU and I have to use it for my rendering but.. I love the power of Rhino and grasshopper I have been using it on and off and I'm starting to think it could have a bigger place in my work flow.
My problem is getting my Rhino model to export into SU properly. I have no idea what its doing here can someone please have a look. I exported form rhino strait to skp And have tried multiple ways of exploding the model before I export. Ideally I would like to preserve layers and textures for ease of organisation in the sketchup side. The actual geometry seems to import fine but once I apply a glass texture and render its gets weird..
Cheers in advance.
RE: Depth of field with physical camera
I managed to figure this out if anyone is interested here's the settings i used
the result.
RE: Depth of field with physical camera
Has anyone managed to work this out for large scenes?
I have a job in large scene and I would like to blur out the background in Vray.
I have tried the Z-depth work around but it blurs out details in the foreground - I know with a bit of photoshopping this could be fixed. But I would rather just batch render over night.
Heres some images of my scenes
Without DOF
With DOF from zdepth see how the crane detail blurs out.
RE: Faster Autosave!
@bob james said:
10GB RAM disk is small
I have 32GB of ram so to use one third of it for a ram drive would really not be small to me.It would be rude not to put it into double figures when there's 64GB there. Its all DDR4 as well so nice and quick. I'll be using it for other program scratch disks as well.
RE: Environment maps not loading into renderer.. help please
a simple PC restart seems to fix the problem. Strange the map still doesn't load in the progress window but its working now.
RE: Environment maps not loading into renderer.. help please
@kimi kimi said:
Can you post some more specific information? But my blind guess is that you didn't adjust your multiplier value and everything is black.
Thanks Kimi,
Which details would you like?
I have checked that, same settings as I have used in the past (older versions of SU/Vray) my concern is I cant see the maps getting loaded into the scene in the Vray progress window...
I Just want it to reflect on the windows. My Skyscraper is going to look strange without it. If theres a work around anyone can suggest to bypass the environments - I have a feeling it a bug of some sort.
Environment maps not loading into renderer.. help please
Hi Guys, Kinda need some urgent help here!
My SU+vray projects are few and far between so I get a little rusty in between but im sure im not missing something here.
I cant Figure out for the life of me why Vray wont send the environment maps to the renderer. I can see it loads all other maps just fine.
I have tried a bunch of different maps and in different locations. Its not like its even trying to load them theres no errors about the file not being found.
Please help
SU 15.3.331 x64
Vray 20025244 -
RE: Sooo slow when copy-pasting or importing large models
Anyone know why copying something in sketchup takes for ever but move+ctrl to duplicate there is no hang time. Is it something to do with spooling it to the clipboard? If so is there a way to make the clipboard faster? ei. changing the directory to a ram disk or something?
I've actually got use to move+ctrl rather than copy but there's certain instances where I cant get away with it. Mainly when I cut something out I want to paste out/into another group, so its not duplicating the geometry.
RE: Faster Autosave!
@kaas said:
did you try disable-ing <window> - <model-info> - <file> - <redefine thumbnail on save> ?
For normal saves, that can save up to half a minute for my files (< 50Mb). I never do auto-saves so don't know if this would help.Thanks for that i gave that a shot and combined with my new RAM disk in the above post.. Wowee
150mb files are saving in less than 1 second.
Hopefully the less time it spends saving and locking up the less chance it has for the breeze to come along and push it over
RE: Faster Autosave!
Just an update/possible solution for anyone that might find this useful. I have set up a small 10GB RAM disk (Storage drive mounted on RAM) as a temporary location where I can locate my working files. As RAM Disks don't retain data when power is cut I also set up a sync in-case of an unexpected power down. This has massively reduced save/auto save times.
I'm not sure what the exact speeds are but from what I've read at 10GB/s I assume its around 10 times faster than my SSD RAID0 array and about 20 times faster than a standard 7200RPM HDD. Ill have to do some testing later.
RE: Faster Autosave!
@monkers said:
I find the auto save tends to kick in right when I'm right in the middle of an operation or by some miracle I'll click something at the exact instant that it starts saving and it instantly crashes. No bug splat. Just. "see ya..." I have found this on many rigs and versions of sketch currently on 15.3.331 and still getting it. It has to be the autosave because the last auto save increment is always within a minute or so of the crash. Just got one then by selecting a line at the same time and I had to come here and rant.
Is there a way for you guys to make it wait or disable the mouse about a half second before? My computer is one more sketchup crash/bugsplat from exiting the building in flames via the window.
I've had a long and rough night.
Maybe even a little box which counts down till the next autosave and warns you a couple of seconds before it happens. I'm sure a bunch of other programs could do with a feature like this. It could take the worst possible moment feeling out of it.
RE: Faster Autosave!
@jgb said:
Best way to speed up SAVE and AUTOSAVE as well as loading a file is to get a Solid State Drive (SSD) either replacing the C:\ drive or adding/replacing a D:\ drive.
My old spinning HD would typically take over a minute; my SSD takes about 3 - 5 seconds for even bigger files. AutoSaves are almost un-noticeable now.
For me it not really save time. I work off an SSD RAID0 array so its as quick as it can be. Its just in instability of it.
Working with large files in sketchup reminds me of this scene from the simpsons.. The slightest breeze will bring it down.
RE: V-ray materials disappear??? why is that..
I'm Having the same problem with SU 15.3.331 x64 and Vray 2.00.25244
The texture maps it decides to leave out changes each time it starts doing this. Also it seems to corrupt the model file. Once it starts doing this i cant seem to import images directly into the model with out getting bug splats. I have tried both by drag and drop and via import. This is really frustrating the only way around this is constantly copying the model into new skp files but Its a very complicated model with 20 scenes and im starting to loose my patience.
I have also tried packing the scene and making a vray material collection to import back in once reopened. None of which seem to make a difference as the material collection wont override materials with the same name and when i click on each material and re import it they dont retain the UV data.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated as I am already 2 days late on delivery for this project.
RE: Faster Autosave!
I find the auto save tends to kick in right when I'm right in the middle of an operation or by some miracle I'll click something at the exact instant that it starts saving and it instantly crashes. No bug splat. Just. "see ya..." I have found this on many rigs and versions of sketch currently on 15.3.331 and still getting it. It has to be the autosave because the last auto save increment is always within a minute or so of the crash. Just got one then by selecting a line at the same time and I had to come here and rant.
Is there a way for you guys to make it wait or disable the mouse about a half second before? My computer is one more sketchup crash/bugsplat from exiting the building in flames via the window.
I've had a long and rough night.
RE: Vray displacement problem.. subdiv? urgent helps plz!!
@oganocali said:
I would bet that there are hidden/smooth lines inside your so-called plane.
First thing I checked, also thought it might be the slightly off axis so mapped the displacement map as diffuse seemed to be fine. Still no dice. Sketchup asked to "fix" my model in the early stages, I have a feeling its something to do with that.
@rspierenburg said:
Try to sub-divide the face into smaller quads.
Also tried this, still no luck. Such a strange problem, never seen this before. I ended up just making the actual geometry manually.
Vray displacement problem.. subdiv? urgent helps plz!!
Hi guys,
Im having a problem with my displacement. I'm trying to create a corrugated shed wall and roof with a displacement map.. I have in fact used this material many times on roofs in other projects. This time it seems to have a mind of its own and is splitting my surfaces like as if they are subdivided, which they are not and are planar.
I originally thought this might be caused by the upgrade to SU2014 and VR4SU2014 but after going back to 2013 still getting the same problem. so I imagine its the shape of the plane?
I would appreciate urgent help as I'm on a tight dead line for this project.
RE: Crash after renaming material (v.2.0)
I'm getting the same error only after upgrading to 2014SU. Seems to only work in some SU files. As a work around I've been making materials in a new document and saving them then Importing to the working document.
Hope this helps.