Rhino export to sketchup render problem (help)
Hi Guys,
Can someone please give me some advice here I'm stumped with an import/rendering problem I'm having.
So.. I need a lot of features in SU and I have to use it for my rendering but.. I love the power of Rhino and grasshopper I have been using it on and off and I'm starting to think it could have a bigger place in my work flow.
My problem is getting my Rhino model to export into SU properly. I have no idea what its doing here can someone please have a look. I exported form rhino strait to skp And have tried multiple ways of exploding the model before I export. Ideally I would like to preserve layers and textures for ease of organisation in the sketchup side. The actual geometry seems to import fine but once I apply a glass texture and render its gets weird..
Cheers in advance.
For some reason VR is scaling up each exported component of eash window pane. Is there an easy batch fix for this?
If I explode the group of window components it seems to render okay. but I would rather not have to do this each time/variation. As I'm also worried about the file becoming unnecessarily large.