Hey guys,
Just thought I'd report back. We got it resolved. Our IT department installed without running it as an administrator, so we just had to remove and reinstall as admin. Hope that helps if anyone has troubles.
Hey guys,
Just thought I'd report back. We got it resolved. Our IT department installed without running it as an administrator, so we just had to remove and reinstall as admin. Hope that helps if anyone has troubles.
Ah, I see. I don't usually make any use of the actual "name" field, though I do frequently use the "definition" field quite often. Good to know it's a bug for that time when I do decide to use it.
@thiswasjustin said:
...not retained in the DC...
I can't reproduce the issue with either DC or standard, are you working with Dynamic Components or plain ole' Components, and would you mind sharing it?
I just tried this plugin, to no avail. For me, it ignores everything except dynamic blocks, and does not preserve layers. Feel free to check the DWF and SKP Import files yourself if you're curious.
I'm currently awaiting an answer to an email I placed to Simlab Support. I'm been extremely unimpressed with both their products and their support team's attitudes in the past, so I'm really hoping they'll improve on prior experiences. I'm thankful it's a trial version.
Here's the DWF (zipped because the forum doesn't accept DWF)
@tig said:
...an older version...
BLAST! Thanks TIG. Started a while ago and completely forgot about the updates. Starting over LOL
Hi Devs,
I'm still spending time here and there trying to learn ruby, but I figured I'd just jump in and learn the hard way...by doing things wrong for a while . I'd like to modify a version of TIG's awesome Archiver.rb to fit my company office standards, so I'm going to take a stab at it.
Here's my Github link if you want to have a look:
If you see anything terrible or bad habits, don't hold back. It's the only way I'll learn! There's more info in the README.
This plugin is absolutely amazing, a steal at 10 euro, and once of my top favorites! I wanted to throw a feature request out there that might be a little odd (or specialist) but figured it might be helpful for certain types of plants.
I'd love to see an eventual option for root systems, and especially on option for Aerial root systems like on the mangrove or banyan trees.
I do a lot of work in China's more tropical regions, and the clients would absolutely love local species in the models.
Thanks again for an incredible plugin!
Hi Guys,
I was wondering if anyone else has seen this issue with LayOut 2014? Brand new installs, fresh licenses, and happening on both machines that have SketchUp 2014 installed. SketchUp Pro licensed without issue, but LayOut throws out these warnings. One machine is stuck at 480 minutes remaining, and never goes down from there. The other machine is currently at 437 minutes remaining, and dropping from there.
Any thoughts?
@nick60 said:
Another really important point would be the avaibility of a list of breaking changes (if any) so we can check ours plugins to remove potential bugs
I usually try to study up on the API whenever I can, so anything additional like that would be awesome.
@jiminy-billy-bob said:
I bet you have SU2014 and the other user runs SU2013?
SU2014 introduced a new API method which allows me to add colors to LP. But it was non-existant in earlier versions.
Bingo! Thanks for letting me know, it's always good to know stuff like that.
I have a couple more things to report back. LP is working well in the office environment so far. There are a couple things that cause no issue, but aren't working 100% for some reason.
On my station, everything works perfectly. I have full admin access to the folder which the plugin network runs from. The users to whom I've rolled the plugin out, who have read only access, cannot alter colors for the LP layers, nor do the color previews show. The little grip by which the color is chosen and the layer is moved shows as grey only.
Let me know what else I can provide or be of any help!
@jiminy-billy-bob said:
Ok guys, I found the issue. I'll release a fixed version ASAP.
In the meantime, you can replace the two files attached in the folder
Awesome! That seems to be it! I think everything is working now, so I'll start testing it out! Thanks again, this is a fantastic extension.
@adamb said:
It sounds what you need is an Asset Management System...
I'll have to do some more investigation. I knew GitHub probably wouldn't have been quite right, and I appreciate the feedback. On to do more research. I might just use a private collection (or several) on 3DWH like was suggested earlier until I figure something out.
Very cool! I was actually just finding the time to install the Firebug version you sent, when I read this. Let me know if you still want me to test anything out, as I'd be happy to!
@tig said:
... and the ScalerDC 'change' jolts the contents into recreation, with corrected scaling.
Thanks TIG, I appreciate the help. I think I'm going to have to do some thorough testing to get first hand experience with it.
Dependent on the axis orientation (say a window that utilizes glue to), does the ScalerDC have to be in the X axis or will others work? Just trying to get a better and more thorough understanding of exactly what it's doing.
Hi Guys,
I just got a huge green light for creating a dynamic (possibly IFC tagged) content library for the firm I work for, and I wanted to pick some developers brains. Not anything code related, but I was curious...
Could GitHub be used as a content management/version tracking tool as well as a code version tracker? I'll be creating a library of windows, doors, trims, hardware, etc. for both domestic and international projects, so it'll eventually be a huge project to manage when I roll out new versions.
This might be a stupid idea, and if so, let me know. I would like to make sure I keep track of changes and leave myself notes of what's changed. I guess this could be done with good notes/dropbox/mind maps, but I thought I'd throw the idea out there.
@tig said:
If your DC contains at least one sub-component/group that is also a DC and that positions itself with a formula [even if the move=0], then when you use the Scale tool on the parent DC any "raw geometry" inside that parent DC will be "resized" instead of just "stretched" - so there is no "scaling" of the texture.
TIG, that's just brilliant! I have one more that came to mind in that case.
I'm creating a series of DCs that cut into a single plane wall, with adjustable recess and window parameters (width, height, mullions,etc). For this "trick" you mentioned to apply, do any materials need to be embedded as options or swatches within the DC, or can it inherit materials by painting a DC instance (where the "default" painted faces would inherit the new material).
I'd like to be able to sample the wall texture and paint the component, so that the recess will inherit the correct texture from the wall material.
I know there's a good chance the UV orientation might not be perfect, but it'd be nice to have it work that way. Can't always get everything perfect. I'm currently building on as a test, but I'm still fairly new to DCs as a whole, so it might take me quite a few tries to test it out and uncover the answer solo.
Thanks for all the help so far!
@tig said:
there are other tricks to scale textures back to be 'right' within scaled DCs code/functions...
Hi TIG, would you by chance be willing to elaborate on descaling functions you alluded to relative to DC's? That's pretty much the only thing holding me back from getting clearance to build my firm a DC library.
@jiminy-billy-bob said:
I'll myself try to include a debug console inside Layers Panel dialog, so that you can see what's breaking.
What is the language of your sketchup install?
What is the proper way to debug? I'm actually really curious, looking forward to nailing down the issue, I'm learning Ruby 2 to write my own plugins, so the more I can learn about the process. So I should keep the console open while testing this? Are there any options or anything I need to tick first prior to testing it?
I'm running just the standard US English version. It'd be nice to have it be some unicode character that's causing the issue, at least that'd be an easier starting point than this mystery.
New file gets the same behavior, even from the SketchUp standard templates that ship with it. Trying it on a different version is next up. I will probably have to test it on SU Make, Pro 2014 is the only one I have.
IE version: 11.0.9600.17041
I'm going to test it on a couple other workstations to see if they get the same issue. I'm totally perplexed as well. It doesn't through up any errors or info in the console, beats the hell out of me. I'll give you an update whenever can. Maybe I'll have to reformat my system and try again.