Wind-borne...genius my friend. Thanks, I totally overlooked tuning the shortcuts in OSX.
RE: Mac version
RE: Mac version
Hey guys,
Interesting to hear that everybody else has seemed to have no problems with the logitechs. Normally I love their mice, but SU was the one program that I couldn't get them to work right with on the Mac side. Maybe I got a spazzy Mighty Mouse too. Man, I must have bad luck with mice.
@Dave, you're right. Macs have the capability of shortcuts (and as you said, less clicks to change them), I was just griping that you can't overwrite or change (to my knowledge at least) the application bound shortcuts (Example: Cmd + [ for zoom extents), or write a shortcut to open the Preferences window itself. I suspect it's due to Mac's integration of shortcuts into the OS level, but if there is in fact a way, let me know, I'd love to know how to write over those!
RE: Mac version
The only real difference that I've noticed between the Mac and Windows version of SU is that the Mac seems to be very picky about finding a mouse with a 3d button that will work under SU. I've tried a whole bunch of logitech mice, to no avail. The one I have now (Cyborg R.A.T. 9) seems to be one of the few that have worked. The Mighty Mouse works too, but the scroll ball on that is so loose that SU zooms like crazy when you just try to orbit. The scroll ball gets dirty quickly as well.
The only other grip that I have is that the choices for keyboard shortcuts are a little bit more limited than Windows (you can't write a shortcut to Preferences). I can't speak to V-Ray, I use Maxwell, which I would recommend over V-Ray, but that's just personal preference.
Hope it helps,
[Request]Reset Interface or Turn all Plugins on/off
Hey Guys,
I was curious if anybody has come across any scripts or plugins that might be able to accomplish this function: Turning all plugins on or off, and resetting the SU interface back to the default (after install). The reason I ask is because I do a lot of training/teaching, and I'd like to be able to switch back and forth between having my scripts loaded (for when I'm working or teaching an advanced user) and unloaded (for training someone who needs to learn the basics before jumping into plugins). It doesn't need to be dynamic or anything, just be able to switch somehow. I've searched around but can't seem to find anything. Has anybody heard of anything remotely like this?
I'm planning on writing my own script for it eventually, but since I'm new to ruby code, that might take a while