Correct me if im wrong but couldnt we do this with version 1.5 , once tweens are created you could turn off/on the layers in each tween and update each tween/scene, i dont understand how version 1.6 is different, is there any new features in 1.6 you can share with us, thank you

RE: [Plugin]$ Keyframe Animation
RE: Anaglyphic or 3d visual options for Sketchup
Aww thats a shame really, it would be a great plugin if you could animate your su animations in real 3d, im thining maybe this can be done in future ruby, im sure it would be popular also
RE: Whats Your Best Method Of Animation With SU?
wouldnt remove it Baz, its a good example of a fly thru, i would like to see a rendered version of it, my knife kick animation wasnt easy to do in SU, but i have a better exampe which i wll be posting up soon, SU isnt designed to do animations i have done but with plenty of practice i came up with a way to animate, the knife clp was doing using keyframe animation plugin, and rendered in shaderlight
RE: Whats Your Best Method Of Animation With SU?
I purchased Su_Animate bout 3 months ago, and updated to new version not so long ago, it is tricky to work with at first, but dont give in so easy, take time with it, do a few tests and it becomes second nature, i havent looked back and use it nearly everyday, i recommend it
RE: Anaglyphic or 3d visual options for Sketchup
Nice, but does this plugin give 2 seperate skp files? i only ask because i would like to render each L AND R eye images for a animation, if u get my meaning, or does it simply export 2 images directly to an image file from su and has no animation export???
RE: Sketchup on 3D screens
Ok i was intreged with this post and said id try it out with 2 images i render from SU, heres the image below, now the only changes in this image are the cart and background sea so you can see depth by the sea and 3d effect with the cart, the camera position stays the same, use the cross eye effect to see in 3d
Has there being any plugin being created to give an output of 2 images with slight changes in camera position in SU, this is looking good for animations in SU i think
RE: Whats Your Best Method Of Animation With SU?
I had the same proplem using shaderlight, to get it working correctly after you create tweets, set animation settings trasition to on, and deley to 1, also set render to 1 frame per sec, it worked for me, yeah my rig is only for my characters, but iv rigged tanks, cars with rigs also using the same method, if you like i could render your animation in shaderlight, for you, just send me a link to your skp file, if you like
RE: Whats Your Best Method Of Animation With SU?
Well where should i start, it took me forever to figure out how to animate in sketchup, to be honest i didnt think it could be done, but thru su animate, keyframe animation and keyframe by layers all jumbled together it made happen, im currently working on a bigger and better clip at the moment, its the rendering thats taking forever due to a bug in shaderlight, now for the game idea.
like i said in my blog my models were originaly designed for a game project i set out to do, A war game with a bit of humour added, as you can see from the blog but i lack the pargramming knowledge to do this, im looking into a social network game for facebook etc but also a 3rd person shooter for smart phones and tabs, and these games will work together side by side, not sure if it has being done before but the idea is there, finding programmers to work on it aint easy thu due to already working on a project, so i set up my blog and animations to market my idea and hopefully recruit the right people for the job, but the blog is new, but like i said im working on a bgger and better animation, its a trailer to market the idea and will show the size and amount of models that have being made for this project, iv being working on this concept for 3 yrs now and its only now im putting it out there, it will be updated very soon to give you a bigger picture.
Yon mentioned pitfalls in animating in su and believe me i came across many, for example facial animation is not something you can do in sketchup, but i found a way around this, i use a program called crazytalk6, i baught the lience and have come up with fantastic results, i havent posted any example as of yet but i assureyou it works and very well, heres a link to the trial version, be sure to try it out try it out with my pic of Kyle Bugsy on my blog, its fantastic, its almost as good as pixar if ya ask me, you can use any 2d image with a face in it and animate in in literly minutes, very powerful stuff, but when i get my clip finished this feature will also be in the trailer, and it looks great so far, some great examples of this on youtube also, very easy to use believe me
My view on Keyframe animation is brilliant and without it i wouldnt be able to do the animations im doing, i also have su animate and with the current release of the new version last month i believe it has its own version of keyframe animation, havent played around with it as of yet but i suggest try it out in su animate before buying keyframe animation, im sure they both do the same from the tutorials iv seen
Just 1 more thing, iv mentioned animation in su many times before and many prompt me that i wouldnt succed in doing so, but as far as im concerned i have and once this trailer is finished im sure it will make others retink, ill also post some simple tutorials on how i did it, and the cocktails of other softwares im using to get it to where it is, but unfortunately su isnt designed for animations i do which is a pity, rigging characters would be a great feature but i have rigged my characters using a rig on a layer, theres an image of the rig at the bottom of the post
Reallusion - Page Not Found
3d animation and imaging software - create animated, talking images for email, web sites or presentations. Free download.
Also heres 3 still image from my trailer, onboard an aircraft carrier
RE: Whats Your Best Method Of Animation With SU?
Baz thats a simple fly thru animation, su animate or keyframe are not needed to do this, ifyou wanted to animate the jeep to move in your scene you could use keyframe or su animate to do so, but nice fly thru, and music sets the mood, i like it
RE: Light Arcs
Nice, this has given me an idea, an animated lightsaber, i could rip the ears off a Gundark, lol
RE: Whats Your Best Method Of Animation With SU?
I use Sketchup for animataion, iv both keyframe animation and SU animation, i find keyframe is very easy to use and fast to set up a scene, heres a clip i created last week just using keyframe animation, its simple and fast, just so you know i rendered this in shaderlight
@unknownuser said:
RE: Render Mach Studio pro
I installed it and no joy with it, my PC is top notch, and should support this but hey anyone ges it to work let us know
RE: Character Animaton Ruby Script
Jeff im not using a Mac so cheetah 3D is out of the question, but cheers anyways
RE: Character Animaton Ruby Script
Lol, xtravision is a long way off, ha, Cheers tho Rich, this is just a demo clip i put together last nite, iv being working on a better clip for some time now with background scenes, sound effects and added special effects using a cocktail of other softwares, lol who needs blender ha ha
RE: Shaderlight would want to shine some light
I have 2 home computers and it only allows me lience on 1, what is the point inusing replace me componants in keyframe animation if the bug doesnt be resolved, also i ee yo didnt mention replace me componant works in su-animate animation,
like i said i think the rendering is fantastic but this bug issue is very hard to work with, also is shaderlight ever going to have a batch render option where when 1 skp animation is rendered it automaticly renders another in a list, thanks for sharing some light on this subject may i add -
RE: Character Animaton Ruby Script
I know im using the wrong tool for animations but it can be done using SU, SU might consider making SU more friendly to this sort of aniamtions, i wouldnt say im stubborn, i just cant be bothered learning something like Blender to do animations, i like using SU
RE: Character Animaton Ruby Script
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
RE: Character Animaton Ruby Script
This is something i did last nite, simple animation
RE: Shaderlight would want to shine some light
How ArtVPS adverises Animation in Shaderlight
Scene animation
The animation feature adds a new button to the Shaderlight toolbar and will enable users to create photoreal renders of their SketchUp scene animations. As well as being able to render existing SketchUp scene animations this new feature will also support scene animations created using the SUanimate and Keyframe Animation plug-ins.
Shaderlight would want to shine some light
ArtVPS adverises the render engine being compatible with both Keyframe animation and SU Animation....THIS IS NOT THE CASE
"Web Browser
Stop running this script?
A script on this page is causing your web browser to run slowly.
If it continues to run, your computer might become unresponsive.
Yes No"This is the ERROR message that occours when rendering animations using keyframe animation plugin in shaderlight, i have contacted ArtVPS about this issue and all im getting is they are working on it, they also asked for the skp file that im having this issue with, i informed them that no mater how big or small the file is this ERROR/BUG appears on all animations using Keyframe animation, clearly false advertisment.
Other problem, when replace me componant is used in an animation using SU_Animate or Keyframe animation it doesnt work, so replace me componant ( which is a fantastic tool to free up your screen with too much geometry ) only works when creating still animations and camera animation.
And now heres another issue im not happy with, Shaderlight only gives the lience to operate on one machine, unlike other rendering engines that let you operate on multipule machines.
Oh and Shaderlight doesnt do batch render...
Lesson learnt, Never buy lience to a product without testing all these options first as advertised, im not a happy customer unless SHADERLIGHT CAN SHINE SOME LIGHT ON THESE ISSUES
Why i picked Shaderlight in the first place is because of the rendering is top notch and the simplicity of use is second to none, but the release of this project was far too soon, i say stay clear of this until its bugs are sorted.