...yes, itยดs great the way it is now! - if ok for you, out of interest I would like to see a screenshot of your actual model content because that way you always get the best impression between result and effort.

RE: Tokyo house render
RE: SubD examples and models
@tuna1957 said:
...SubD the best tool for the job...
which is absolutely right! Prima!
RE: Render: The conversation
... a nice house! great modelled and even better rendered - especially I like the chosen mood of the evening light and the detail of the two children enjoying the place is also well chosen - so all in all great (with or without mist
RE: How to construct a dome?
...just as a suggestion Alohaa - if you downsave your SKP file posted here, e.g. to version SkUp 2017, you would give almost everyone here the opportunity to deal with your questions
RE: SubD examples and models
@box said:
What happens when you SUbD some cubes then hit them with Clothworks.
well, definitely a cool result
RE: Easter Island Statue
@bryan k said:
...And is that a render? If so, wow!...
exactly what came to my mind
Prima Rich!
RE: It does not exist but it should (Render)
...sehr sehr gut! - I love the crispness of the captions(?or is this named text) shown - did you use 3D text or PNGs for this?
RE: Another Steam Engine
...what a great work Dave and a so high reference for SketchUp!
And graphically excellently presented -
RE: Industrial loft
yes, very good! The carpet in the front is cool, is that a model or a trick from the renderer you used?
RE: Advent and Christmas Season 2022
actually it was supposed to be Clark Griswold's car from the movie "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" without which (meaning the movie) Christmas is unthinkable for us too
One of the first scenes describes the procurement of a christmas tree worthy of the Griswold's festival...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTKpKBzd7jg -
Advent and Christmas Season 2022
...hi, I wish you all a wonderful advent and christmas season 2022
[SkUp Make 2017 / Enscape / Photoshop / the car model is taken from the 3D warehouse and slightly modified to fit a movie template a bit better]
RE: [Plugin] Emboss
@didier bur said:
A RBS file is an encrypted Ruby file which behaves just like a RB file...Thanks Didier Bur for your guidance and the help out of my own dullness
and again for your nice and well running tool
RE: [Plugin] Emboss
Thanks Didier Bur for making and sharing this so nice plugin
And thanks Rich for the how to install it...Only, I dont get it istalled or even to run somehow and I am seeing a rbs-file for the first time. Could someone please show me how to proceed here?
RE: Match Photo Image Disappears
@baz said:
...Hope this helps someone get out of trouble until a proper fix is found...
thank you BAZ - yes helpful
because in the meantime I also experience this issue from time to time