I get lots of 'notifications' but they never load.
RE: Many faces VS single face on extruding
Select everything, right click and Choose Weld Edges, then do your extruding.
RE: Constructing a box with swallowtail joints
I believe Thomthom has a plugin relevant to that.
RE: Constructing a box with swallowtail joints
@alohaa said:
@box said:
It would also be a pretty straightforward job just using arrays, and perhaps solid Trim.
If I knew how to do!
Its really just a matter of working out the measurements and angles needed for your specific situation.
Here I have made several assumptions which has allowed the easy use of the inference system, but you could se any sizes and angles that work.
Once you have created a pair you can use them to make more.
RE: Constructing a box with swallowtail joints
It would also be a pretty straightforward job just using arrays, and perhaps solid Trim.
RE: 3d Models For Clients?
The links don't appear to expire naturally, something must have gone wrong with that one.
Here is one I posted about a year ago and it still works.
https://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=372&t=75777&p=687176&hilit=share#p687176 -
RE: 3d Models For Clients?
@joe wood said:
Yeah I tried that, but you can't see any scenes in the 3d version.
I didn't notice this earlier, it's the Views Tab at the top on the small toolbar on the right of screen.
RE: 3d Models For Clients?
Joe I've had a look at your link now and have a couple of comments that might help.
First I would move the structure to the origin and either remove the floor disk or make it smaller, this will allow the standard views to work better, currently if your client goes to the Scenes tab and tries the standard views it zoom way out.As to hiding things, if you use Tags to turn things off in a scene that are still off if you orbit around in the scene.
It would be possible to create several scenes with different things hidden without even changing the camera position. So you could have a scene for example called 'No Cladding' and changing to that scene will just make the cladding disappear. Etc etc -
RE: 3d Models For Clients?
I'm not near a computer so I can't check but from memory if you create scenes, hiding the parts you want, they should be able to navigate those scenes.
RE: 3d Models For Clients?
Open your file in the web version and use the 'Share' option, this will give them a viewable/navigable version that they cannot edit.
RE: Follow Me Question
You're slightly misunderstanding what Rich is saying/doing. He exploded the curve 'group' to make it work, not exploded the curve. They are two different things. If you select a group the context menu option is Explode, but if you select a curve the context menu option is Explode Curve.
The Path for follow me needs to be ungrouped, not exploded. It needs to be raw geometry. The Profile can be grouped but that is a different issue.
In the gif you can see the big blue bounding box of the group, exploding removes this. Your spiral within is already exploded, so I weld it to make it one curve, rather than group it.
RE: Volume M3
I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to say.
Your model is all loose geometry, the only component is the scale figure that shows as a nested instance.
Once Solid inspector has fixed the issues it can there are still holes and overlaps that you need to address manually.
To get a volume the object needs to be a solid.
Once fixed and grouped it does show a volume. -
RE: Volume M3
You must make the geometry a group or component for it to read volume. If you are seeing area you must be selecting faces.
RE: Strange behavior with viewing images on desktop
If this is the same PC as your graphic card issues, I would be getting dell to replace the whole system. There is something seriously wrong with it.
RE: Easiest. Model. Ever.
So your model is incorrect, the original is not a semicircle.
RE: Helix Along Curve - Is not working on curves?!
@richard-leeds-uk said:
I still can't understand why the helix generates on a straight path of the same dimensions but not the curve (even at 100x scale)
The tiny face issue isn't actually about the faces, it is the spacial relationship of the vertices of the edges. When they get very close together Sketchup decides they are suppose to be in the same place and will just ignore them. An over simplification but basically the problem.
So while the helix is following a straight path the vertices are just far enough apart to work but as they go around the arc their spacial orientation changes moving them closer together causing them to fail.
It is very common with a simple follow me to have it work along a straight edge but then fail around a radius corner, Or a small sphere will end up with a hole in the top and bottom. In the sphere the edge lengths should be long enough for it to work but it is the distance the vertices are apart on the z axis that causes the problem.
RE: Helix Along Curve - Is not working on curves?!
Looks like a tiny face issue, when it goes around the curve it is failing to form the tiny faces.
Scale up by 100 and try again.