Can't seem to change the units from metric to imperial. Also, my doors do not update when I change parameters, such as door width.
Can't seem to change the units from metric to imperial. Also, my doors do not update when I change parameters, such as door width.
Thanks. said:
@ben ritter said:
...why won't it be possible to have 2017 and 2018 reside on the computer at the same time?
it can and should be installed side-by-side sothat you are able doing a fallback to version 2017 if required because e.g. plugins are not compatible (yet).
Actually do not deactivate product activations of existing previous versions because they cannot be reactivated after activating SU 2018 again even on the same system! Use the 30 day trial runtime before activating a new version anyhow.
I'll have to get the exact quote from Trimble, but I didn't upgrade because there was some language stating that 2017 would become inoperative after 30 days. Not sure if anyone else saw this too?
If you upgrade to SU2018 from SU2017, why won't it be possible to have 2017 and 2018 reside on the computer at the same time?
@juju said:
@ben ritter said:
@hieru said:
So, it won't be long until we find out if Trimble have decided to shift to a subscription model.
But isn't it already, since Trimble would like an additional $120/year to maintain support and futurew updates?
No. The current licence is perpetual, maintenance and support is to enable you to upgrade to newer versions within that period. You can keep on using your latst version until such time as other factors force you to upgrade or abandon.
So for maintain maintenance and support, you still have to pay for major upgrades?
@hieru said:
So, it won't be long until we find out if Trimble have decided to shift to a subscription model.
But isn't it already, since Trimble would like an additional $120/year to maintain support and future updates?
Had the same issue in Layout 2017, but that just seemed to happen from one day to the next. Fixed it simply, but not sure why it happened.
BTW, what are PID's?
I'll try that. Thanks JGA.
Thanks for the helpful comment.
I'm running SU8, with the Kerky exporter plugin and using the current version of Kerkythea.
I'm only able to render using the 03.Photonmap-Quick setting on this particular model, otherwise the render stops and I get the following message:
"Some errors appeared during rendering- please check console logging. The rendering may be incorrect in certain areas (black dots) or completely black due to an initialization error. It may also be that there are not enough resources to support the rendering technique used due to scene complexity. Please save your scene!"
Any thoughts? Our IT person checked the resources during render and said there is plenty of memory.
This is what the console Log said:
%(#FF0000)[Warning: Can not set parameter Final Gathering of object Density Estimation
Warning: Can not set parameter Mesh Subdivision of object Density Estimation
Warning: Can not set parameter ./Final Gathering/Hardware Rendering of object Density Estimation
Warning: Can not set parameter ./Final Gathering/Final Gathering Rays of object Density Estimation
Warning: Can not set parameter ./Final Gathering/Crop Intensity (HR) of object Density Estimation
Warning: Can not set parameter ./Final Gathering/Accuracy of object Density Estimation
Warning: Overriding irradiance precomputation in multithreading mode.
Using 8 worker threads of Standard Ray Tracer - custom networking
Building Octree : |ooooooo|ooooooo|ooooooo|ooooooo|ooooooo| (7 seconds)
Octree Analysis (1351817 triangles, 896688 nodes, 518283 leaves, 0 unmeshed objects, 0 instances, 131Mb memory)
Final Gathering: Using secondary irradiance estimator Density Estimation
Mesh Estimation : |ooooooo|ooWarning: Exception caught during init procedure (Initializing Meshes)
Final Gathering Statistics and Information
Max Gathering Depth : 1, Max Tracing Depth : 5
Gathering Rays : 150, Interpolation Accuracy : 0.25
Total Gatherings : 0, Total Interpolations : 0
Total Ray Tests : 2099606, Intersections found : 2097473
Finished in 11 seconds!]
Searched all over but couldn't find an RBZ file for download.
My company just installed SU Pro 2017 on my machine. But now, when I try to launch SU Pro 8, I get a bugsplat and the application launch ends. After re-starting the computer, if I launch v.8 first, no bugsplat. But once I launch v2017 and close it, I can't re-launch v.8 without the bugsplat.
I thought these versions can run simultaneously? Any suggestions?
Running Windows 7 Professional, 64 bit machine.
Very nice Paul. Any post processing applied to these renders?
Thank you for being generous to share.
Thank you so much for your work in writing this and sharing.
Is there a way to update the text to an new text height, or would I have to re-do each one with new text height settings?
I started a new skp file and triple-clicking function works.
Can an existing file get corrupted or cause the malfunction? The file size is only about 4mb.
Not sure what's going on, but all of sudden, the triple click action to select all, is not responding. A double-click selects a face and edges, but triple-click no longer selects all connected lines and faces.
I've restarted SU several times, but that did not seem to help. Any thoughts?
Running SU v.8.016846
Thanks. Ben
@alan fraser said:
Since we're getting all nostalgic and bleary eyed... few recognisable names here.
Awesome link Alan. I remember it well.
Started using version 3 after being "stuck" with Autocad and it's cumbersome 3d capabilities. It's been a professional life changer.