I can no longer create new buttons with Lord of the Toolbar or even edit buttons already created. You can see from the video that it does not save changes made to any button. What can I do I have installed the latest versions anyway.
RE: [Plugin] LordOfTheToolbars - v2.9c - 20 Dec 24
RE: Sketchup 2024 crashes on startup.
@TIG Con l'ultima versione di Lord of thr Toolbar è stato risolto il problema di compatibilità con vay 7 ma adesso mi trovo un'altro problema, spesso quando apro sketchup, va in crash. Il crash avviene proprio quando va ad aprire le barre dei menu creati con Lord of the Toolbar . Ho scoperto che disabilitando Lord of the Toolbar, Sketchup si apre perfettamente. non capisco q Se è un problema di incompatibilità con altri plugin o da altro. Per aprire sketchup devo disabilitare Lord of the toolbar E riabilitarlo quando sketchup è aperto, attraverso il plugin manager Sketchauction. Sicuramente è una incompatibilità con un altro plugin. come posso sapere quale è il plugin che va in conflitto. è possibile risalire all'ultimo plugin eseguito prima del Crash analizzando i file di log.
With the latest version of Lord of thr Toolbar the compatibility problem with vay 7 has been solved but now I find myself with another problem, often when I open sketchup, it crashes. The crash occurs right when it goes to open the menu bars created with Lord of the Toolbar. I discovered that by disabling Lord of the Toolbar, Sketchup opens perfectly. I don't understand if it is a problem of incompatibility with other plugins or something else. To open sketchup I have to disable Lord of the toolbar and re-enable it when sketchup is open, through the plugin manager Sketchauction. It is certainly an incompatibility with another plugin. How can I know which plugin is in conflict. Is it possible to trace the last plugin executed before the crash by analyzing the log files.
RE: [Plugin] LordOfTheToolbars - v2.9c - 20 Dec 24
With the latest version of Lord of thr Toolbar the compatibility problem with vay 7 has been solved but now I find another problem, often when I open sketchup, it crashes, The crash happens just when it goes to open the menu bars created with Lord of the toolbar. I found that by disabling Lord of the Toolbar, Sketchup opens perfectly. I don't understand which one is due to incompatibility with other plugins or from something else. To open sketchup I have to disable Lord of the toolbar AND re-enable it when it is open, through the Sketchauction plugin manager. -
RE: [Plugin] LordOfTheToolbars - v2.9c - 20 Dec 24
@fredo6 It works great, congratulations for your speed and competence, thanks
RE: Fredo LOTT/V-Ray 7
@fredo6 Congratulations it works, it would certainly be nice to see it in the Lott list. Now without the lotoftoolbar I can no longer draw with skichup
RE: Fredo LOTT/V-Ray 7
@fredo6 If you want I can put you in touch with Chaos i have the name of the support person
RE: Fredo LOTT/V-Ray 7
@jkoll66 I also have the same problem I reported the problem to both chaos and fredo let's see if they solve it for me it is essential Lost of the toolbar
RE: FreeCad 1.0
@panixia Hi Marcello, with € 11 you can easily do it even with blender, even with large ones
STEPper -
RE: [Plugin] Extended Views v1.2 UPDATE May 23, 2013
@Chris-Fullmer Hi Chris this plugin only works with old versions or even with the latest ones. I have it on 2024 and it doesn't work
RE: How can I move plugins installed with Sketchup Extension Warehouse to Extension Store?
@TIG Thanks I understand. But my question was another I wanted to know if some plugins that I have on extension warehouse are compatible with extension store I can transfer them, is there a procedure or do I have to reinstall them on extension store? Like, Fredo6, Thomthom, s4u, curic, .... ec
RE: How can I move plugins installed with Sketchup Extension Warehouse to Extension Store?
I have never installed with extension store but my question is, what I have already installed with sketchup extension can I automatically transfer it to extension store installations? Do I have to reinstall all my plugins with extension store store?
RE: How can I move plugins installed with Sketchup Extension Warehouse to Extension Store?
Basically I would like to manage the plugin from the Extension store in order to update the plugins more efficiently but I have never installed the plugins with the extense store and I wanted to know if there is a method to see the plugins installed on the extension store without having to install all the plugins again.
How can I move plugins installed with Sketchup Extension Warehouse to Extension Store?
Do I have to reinstall all the plugins with extension store? Do I have to reinstall the licenses or do they remain
RE: Request Section Management Panel
@Rich-O-Brien I know many other solutions but They are tricks to get around the problem but the problem remains it is not possible to manage sections scenes in a simple way. It would need a panel to manage the sections anyway thanks for the suggestion.
RE: Request Section Management Panel
@Rich-O-Brien I'll start by saying that I'm not a programmer. I created this script with cloud 3 5 AI to disable or activate the sections in the project. The plug-in correctly creates the list of sections but even though I created the activate and deactivate buttons, they don't work. I tried it on sketchup 2024. Is there anyone who can give me that suggestion?
require 'sketchup.rb' module SectionManager def self.show_dialog dialog = UI::WebDialog.new("Gestione Sezioni", false, "SectionManager", 400, 500, 100, 100, true) dialog.set_size(400, 500) dialog.add_action_callback("toggleSection") do |_, section_id| model = Sketchup.active_model section = find_section_by_id(model, section_id.to_i) if section model.start_operation('Toggle Section', true) section.active = !section.active model.commit_operation puts "Sezione #{section_id} #{section.active? ? 'attivata' : 'disattivata'}" else puts "Sezione #{section_id} non trovata" end update_dialog_content(dialog) end dialog.add_action_callback("activateSection") do |_, section_id| model = Sketchup.active_model section = find_section_by_id(model, section_id.to_i) if section model.start_operation('Activate Section', true) section.active = true model.commit_operation puts "Sezione #{section_id} attivata" else puts "Sezione #{section_id} non trovata" end update_dialog_content(dialog) end dialog.add_action_callback("refreshList") do |_| puts "Aggiornamento lista richiesto" update_dialog_content(dialog) end update_dialog_content(dialog) dialog.show end def self.find_all_sections(entities) sections = [] entities.each do |entity| if entity.is_a?(Sketchup::SectionPlane) sections << entity elsif entity.is_a?(Sketchup::Group) || entity.is_a?(Sketchup::ComponentInstance) sections += find_all_sections(entity.definition.entities) end end sections end def self.find_section_by_id(model, section_id) find_all_sections(model.active_entities).find { |s| s.entityID == section_id } end def self.update_dialog_content(dialog) model = Sketchup.active_model sections = find_all_sections(model.active_entities) puts "Numero totale di sezioni trovate (incluse quelle nidificate): #{sections.length}" html = <<-HTML <html> <head> <style> body { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; } .section { margin: 10px 0; } button { margin-left: 5px; } </style> </head> <body> <h2>Tutte le Sezioni</h2> <div id="sectionList"> #{ if sections.empty? "<p>Nessuna sezione trovata nel modello.</p>" else sections.map { |section| "<div class='section'> #{section.name || 'Sezione senza nome'} (ID: #{section.entityID}) <button onclick='toggleSection(#{section.entityID})'> #{section.active? ? 'Disattiva' : 'Attiva'} </button> <button onclick='activateSection(#{section.entityID})'> Attiva </button> </div>" }.join end } </div> <button onclick='refreshList()'>Aggiorna Lista</button> <script> function toggleSection(sectionId) { window.location = 'skp:toggleSection@' + sectionId; } function activateSection(sectionId) { window.location = 'skp:activateSection@' + sectionId; } function refreshList() { window.location = 'skp:refreshList@'; } </script> </body> </html> HTML dialog.set_html(html) end end # Aggiungi una voce di menu per avviare lo script UI.menu("Plugins").add_item("Gestione Sezioni (Versione Aggiornata)") { SectionManager.show_dialog }
puts "Script di gestione sezioni (versione aggiornata) caricato"
RE: Request Section Management Panel
@Rich-O-Brien I consider this function a basic function of the program I do not have an option to have those who develop plugins in Ruby create. A panel to manage sessions is essential as it is to manage levels to manage scenes to manage materials to manage components in practice it is a function in my opinion fundamental However if there is someone who wants to develop a plugin of this kind I am available to give my suggestions to implement the necessary functions
Request Section Management Panel
Hi, I’m asking you why Sketchup has never created a panel for managing sections, like tags, to be able to activate, deactivate, rename, delete them and if possible match them to scenes. I think this function is essential because I often find myself with many sections inside objects and components and managing them becomes complicated. There is the possibility of acting also with the structure panel but it is difficult to disentangle oneself within the subgroups. I think this is a fundamental function for sketchup and I don’t understand why no one has ever thought of it. Often to manage the activation of the sections I go through the vray panel. When a function like this
Who is available to develop a Plugin that solves this problem?