I was leanin towards something like that too at first, but then when I remembered the [code] tag, I started liking that idea. Maybe a sticky that has a link to all [code] threads so its easzy to sort through them. I'm thinking a single thread might tend to have a method, then some posts and discussions, then another method, and some discussion, and on an one. And it might make it tricky to dig through 20 pages, with only 1 method per page or something. That is my onoly concern with doing a single sticky thread.
I have a bezier method I'd like to post. It requires as input: point1, handle1, point2, handle2, segment_count. Thats it, and it returns an arc object, or with a tweak it just returns an array of Point3d objects. So thats one method I'd like to post.
Another is one that will take any series of connected edge segments and return them in an ordered array of points from the beginning to end.