Please can someone check this plugin.NEW VERSION
someone can correct?
The script itself looks Ok to me (looking at the source code) - the crash it is likely the odd character set used in the stings. Can yiou guess at the translations?
What is the purpose of the "cage?"
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I managed to capture the Ruby Console on crash - I have never seen anything like it.
It only works on the vertical, by design. The second number (45) in the prompt is the thickness of the "slat". I'm not sure what the first (default 90) is.
@jim said:
The script itself looks Ok to me (looking at the source code) - the crash it is likely the odd character set used in the stings. Can yiou guess at the translations?
What is the purpose of the "cage?"
My guess as this is from Japan, it is a quick method of adding earthquake bracing to framing. What do you think?
Thanks Jim. How did you work?
I use windows xp and sketchup7. Someone can fix it to go?
Sorry for my English. is quite basic
Just a guess (no time to try it), but 90 & 45 could be the framing member size (90mm is about 3.5 inches, 45mm is about 1.75 inches, or a "metric 2x4"). I have a friend looking into it. I agree that it's probably the character set causing the problems.
Someone can fix it to go?
Sujikai refers to something that's diagonal, oblique or bracing - e.g. in patterns - like on sword hilts - or perhaps in stud-wall bracing, as it appears here... Exactly what is this script trying to do ? If we knew that, then we could edit out the rogue 'Japanese characters' and see how it might work as hoped...