The "impossible" font
RE: Kerkythea: How do I apply Mapping to a Group?
...In any case the solution is mapping and exporting correctly a single texture, apply a lot of bump maps is a quite awful workaround
RE: Kerkythea: How do I apply Mapping to a Group?
I must be slow today...all this stuff have no much sense to me, if you're using a textured material (not a simply imported image) photomatch shouldn't affect at all the exporting. You adjusted uv mapping on each face (did you?) so you should have just one material, choose "no" on the request "default UVs" and in KT use UV mapping. Also check if there are backface materials applied
RE: Kerkythea: How do I apply Mapping to a Group?
yes, some screenshots could help. I read your request also on KT forum, but I still cannot catch what you're trying to achieve... surely you cannot add a bumpmap on more than one materials
RE: Sketchup is Inacurrate???
actually there are known issues, eg with follow-me tool, when the geometry is small compared with the measure unit... I cannot say if this could be considered a "inaccurate" behaviour
RE: Realis3D
looks interesting... is there any idea of the price once released?
RE: I need bending help...
when you rotate a geometry the texture mapping is rebuilded, you should unfold/refold the surface that is not a simple work in SU... I would follow this way suggested by Gaieus
RE: Editing mesh - organic shapes
@unknownuser said:
You can't rotate your horizontal surfaces after the use of the Smoovetool of the Sand Box ?
I sometime do this way, but it works only for single surfaces, as in a closed volume the sandbox affects also the opposite face
RE: OS compatibility issue
no differences, except your reference image is colored
RE: OS compatibility issue
How do you see them now on mac?
Pelle -
RE: OS compatibility issue
mmm...I've noticed a strange thing
<mat;material colorBlue="40" colorGreen="40" colorRed="183" colorizeType="0" hasTexture="1" name="Pelle Rosso"
perhaps colorizeType should be "1", seems it makes no difference in my pc, how about mac?
RE: OS compatibility issue
@driven said:
maybe you can make more sense of all this.
not at all
at this point I'm quite sure it's something related to the uncoloured texture, I've seen the material management is the most different part between mac and pc, maybe they codify the colour overlay in a different manner...? -
RE: OS compatibility issue
Thanks to all for the responses , so there's actually a pc/mac issue, it's a good start to me having checked this.
I don't think the problem is related to the compression, I've zipped it only to post here the file, originally we copied the whole unzipped folder.
This one is the PC version, I cannot take the MAC copies yet, for a few days.
Yes, the starting texture is the same for all, while the material colors change. Perhaps I'll rebuild the material with the MAC in order to compare the two SKM files -
OS compatibility issue
Hi all! I've built some material libraries for a mac user and got this odd behaviour: within two mine pc's all works perfectly, while copying the folders in the mac all the textures becomes greyscale! Unfortunately I cannot put hands too much in that machine...and I'm not skilled at all with OSX.
Can anyone explain this? Here's a example, thanks
Pelle -
RE: Need to place trees randomly
use components instead of groups as much as possible, then use the "compospray" plugin, or also "make fur" to populate
RE: Italianiiii popolo di disegnatoriiiiiiiiii
Spiacente Emanuele, l'ho usato solo qualche volta per far cadere oggetti in gravitร , non lo conosco in modo piรน approfondito
RE: Toy Train
I've set up it in this way
the lighting is provided by a little sun and a IBL environment, the background image is white in front of the camera and a little motley behind, in order to enhance the reflections.
the other "trick" is a scratchy noise map in the reflection channel of all materials, you can glimpse it with a close view on wide surfaces