Hi Billet! I think also lighting doesn't help to integrate elements, too much diffuse and without shadows like about half hour after sunset, even a real photography could seem fake
RE: Restaurant
RE: Fields of green - help with large landscapes
@leminilab said:
Here's the link to the clip mapping grass tutorial !
http://www.kerkythea.net/joomla/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=42&func=startdown&id=10yeah, just what i was talking about! I've also read about a technique (might be by Fletch) using a layered material with two different textures weighted with a procedural, but I never tried this
however this is indeed matter for the KT forum... -
RE: Fields of green - help with large landscapes
@ecuadorian said:
I've heard someone created an amazing KT grass material that doesn't visibly tile. Has anyone found it?
I'm not sure to want reveal this trick...
I usually use this method, don't remember where i read it (maybe KT or Indigo forum).
After doing the grass surface I copy it some centimeters upon the original and give it another material. the lower one has a grass texture plus windy procedural, the upper one has a grass texture in the diffuse channel, the same texture and windy procedural in the clip mapping channel. It's not good for closest views, but for a big space helps to avoid 'tiling' effect without adding poligons.
here's a quick example...
RE: Fields of green - help with large landscapes
All suggestions above are good! I also say you should use a spherical background (you can't see the sky under terrain). about the grass, as your views are not so close (and the fields are very wide) I advise against using 3d grass models, a good mix of textures and procedurals is enough.
Cheers -
RE: Christmas is coming!!!
are you gonna making your christmas tree in that corner?
RE: South France house WIP
Hi fymoro, nice picture, i like those soft shadows.
did you try to increase the exposition?, as a sunlighted scene it seems to me too "cold".
Luca -
RE: 3rd render
@unknownuser said:
..Your white tiles textures in the ground are too big to look real. ..David
totally agree, also the carpet seems oversized.
about lighting, I believe is too diffuse, exibition environment normally has many strong lights and relative shadows and reflections all around the stand; metallic items don't need more reflection -
RE: 1958 Impala (Maxwell Render) - Updated Oct 5, 2009
nice! waiting for next evolutions...
i recommend you just two things:
-a good background instead of black (I see in the reflections that behind the camera you're doing great)
-a bump mapping for the tires
Luca -
RE: Red Bathroom
@kwistenbiebel said:
..Perfect for a big family where they fight to get bathing time. You won't spend more time there than necessary ...
.. to clean the blood on the walls???
RE: Bedroom
just for curiosity, you could try set the specularity of the mirror higer and see what happens.
bye -
RE: Bedroom
@newone said:
It might be a physically correct phenomenon, because the the mirror reflected a portion of the sky which was a little far from Sun... and a normal mirror doesn't have such a high level of reflection, i think.
I don't believe is because of physically correct phenomenon, although is a darker portion of sky you can see in 1st picture that looking about in that direction through the window there are always a lot of shine. maybe matter of rendering method and settings ... what render engine are you using?
RE: Bedroom
Hi Newone!
cannot comment, it's almost perfect work.
if I must... it shouldn't be the sky behind the door (or really the room exit to the external?) and I noticed (4th picture) in the mirror the reflection of the sky has no the light flare as watching to the window, it looks strange.. but that wooden texture is amazing.. i like that picture very much
Luca -
RE: Bedroom Design
Hi jet3
very nice work, i think deserves some improving.
the wooden texture looks repetitive in some wide surfaces.
the lighting could be stronger to enhance details.
rendering needs more cooking (passes), it worth
P.S. bed's clothes are great!
Luca -
RE: Table Lamp [WIP]
Hi Rich, I worked around a lamp a lot, looking for a good setting between the lamp itself emission and outfield light, it's very difficult and finally for the best result i took the picture with the lamp turned off!
I think yours is a good starting work -
RE: Greetings Card
Thanks for reply.
The pumpkin is the only object I've modeled, all the rest was found in the warehouse -
Greetings Card
here's a picture I've made for the kerkythea forum, but as it's modeled with sketchup I'll share with you too.
RE: A little gift for the arrival! :) A little drink and a smoke
nice subject, my compliments.
apart the wine colour, you could improve the table material, feels like plastic.. maybe some bump mapping or more accurate reflections. and, finaly, is the bottle empty? is not elegant to see if you know what I mean, better always half filled
cheers -
RE: House & Pond
Nice scene!
maybe a bit overexposed, I believe because of gimp filter.