Trash your SketchUp preferences, and try again.
If that doesn't work, reinstall Sketchup, dumping everything related to Google SketchUp in the bin. Restart and try again.
Go get 'Easy Find' too
Trash your SketchUp preferences, and try again.
If that doesn't work, reinstall Sketchup, dumping everything related to Google SketchUp in the bin. Restart and try again.
Go get 'Easy Find' too
Hey Stinkie, you may want to hang on a bit....
Autodesk AutoCAD 2011 Mac beta build could be in the works. Code snippets from SDK for ObjectARX seem to indicate evidence of Mac port says AutoCAD blog site.
Architosh (
PS, I tried VW, and binned it almost straight away (well after a week or so). I couldn't get on with it at all.
Have you had a look at PowerCADD 8, or HighDesign? Both native Cocoa (unlike VW's), both work well with SketchUp. QCad is okay too, at a 'bargain basement' price.
Works fine here (10.6.3)
You say 10.6? Is that 10.6 or 10.6.3?
@escapeartist said:
This could also be used for simple sheet metal patterns.
Exactly my thoughts too! If bend radii could be specified too, as well as thickness (I haven't checked yet), this tool will be as powerful as the one in Solidworks!
A brilliant addition. Thanks very much!
@tim said:
What nonsense.
Well it depends on how many lights you have on at any one time, and of course, how big your room is!
It also depends on how good your eyesight is. I do agree with you about how good the technology is, but at the moment, if you want good technology, you must pay for it, and in times of recession, that's the last thing on most people's minds.
BTW, Conservatism and/or Socialism is dead- or at least it is in Britain. If you look at the policies of the Green Party, they are just as conservative as the Labour party, or even the Conservative party. The Yellow party aren't much different either! As for immigration, a policy so beloved by our friends, the British Nationalist Party, is now very much part of all the other mainstream parties- including the Greens. So in our modern day, everyone can have nazi sympathies
Sorry for the OT, back to the iPad!
@charly2008 said:
I use an energy saving bulb 5W
You mean you can read under those horrible things?? Give me an 100w incandescent any day!
FWIW, energy saving lightbulbs are a con (at least for the energy suppliers and their shareholders). The price of electricity is going through the roof (and the energy suppliers announcing great profits for the and their shareholders), and has steadily been getting worse (particularly here in the UK), since the privatisation of these once public-owned companies. All an energy saving lightbulb does is let the providers charge exactly the same amount of money as they currently are, while you draw less power from them. Power demand is drastically reduced, and the shareholders get richer off our backs! What a nice bunch of people.
Further still, in order for many providers to reach their targets, I can think of NPower for one, in this country, have been handing energy saving bulbs, for free, to every UK householder ( But it gets worse than that. Having now spent all this money on sending out energy saving lightbulbs that are more or less unwanted, because some don't fit certain fittings or people haven't got a need for all these extra bulbs, only to meet a government target that will have no practical effect, NPower will have to offset the cost by charging its customers more. Ah! Bad science fuelled by capitalism. Don't you just love its enlightened combination?
I'm quite happy to pay money, knowing that it will be used to invest back into newer more efficient technologies, but creaming off profits such as this, in the name of the worst type of lightbulb known to humanity (and dare I say it, "global warming"), and all the connotations that come with it (especially global warming), it really makes me want to puke. No wonder governments are frightened of so-called 'terrorism'.
Tim, you should count your lucky pebbles, because most of the electricity created in Canada, I believe, comes from the best power producing source know to man, hydro-electric power, but not all of us are able to benefit from such sustainable luxuries.
@anssi said:
all the documentation should "automatically" update
fwiw, this is exactly what Solidworks also does- but for engineering. Create an assembly, change something, then a huge box appears with a massive list of errors, and "you really didn't want to do that" pop-up windows!!
@utiler said:
@kwistenbiebel said:
Hey, this is a great thread.
You are using the exact same approach I would take when I would learn new 3D software like B3D.
Diving into it with the SU knowledge we have and see how it goes...First thing that strikes me is: it's not Sketchup
I'll be following this with great intrest...
Me too, kwist. I'm sitting in the front row complete with popcorn.....
Learning any new 3D system can be a head****. I remember that it took me yonks to change my habits from using Solidworks. ViaCAD was really hard work, until I discovered the 'C' key!! Same goes believe it or not, with SketchUp too- until I looked at Aidan's brilliant YouTube tutorials. Bonzai3D looks great btw. I'm really looking forward to where it goes too
@xrok1 said:
btw, the green was too hard on my eyes.
Erm, I am finding this blue hard to read too (against the off-white background). Can you not just keep your text black?
take a look at these drawings done with a combination of powerCADD 8 and SketchUp.
nice eh?
Apart from Vectorworks, I haven't used the big BIM packages. So I can't really comment. However, I did train on ACad/ Architectural Desktop, and absolutely hated it!
SketchUp is really lovely (So is PC8 too- If you have a Mac that is). Much better than many of the so-called "serious" packages at visualisation stuff.
First of all, sorry SCF for the OT.
What do you mean by "inappropriate"? If I buy something that promises to do something on the box, then, I expect it to work, or at least live up to what it promises, otherwise, it is fraud! Correct?
So, if you bought a stereo from a hi-fi dealer, and only one channel was working, you would return it to the dealer, wouldn't you? If the dealer refused to reimburse you, but promised that the part that was on order was going to fix it, you would wait a couple of months before you blew the whistle, after you had received (or not received as in the case with Tim) and reported the company to trading standards (and the police- probably).
So why is software any different? Especially when it costs way over Β£1000?? At the moment it seems that there is no way that if a product says its going to do something, and it doesn't, then that is dishonest behaviour. Shark is still riddled with silly little 'barnacles' (if you like?), and although these are (or so I am told) being slowly eradicated, but no one tells you that until you've bought the product. But despite this, new functions, which are bringing newer bugs are being added- which, in my mind, is a crazy (and dare I say it, dishonest) business model. Fine (perhaps?), if you are a big corporate company with lots of money to burn, but as a sole trader with a very limited and tight budget, I cannot even consider buying this package. This is a great shame, because the box says this....and that.....and this.....
Norbert, you can continue to bury your head in the sand, but that won't stop the problem from coming back, and back even still, to haunt you. said:
β’ SU import?
β’ 3D/OpenGL?
β’ section cuts for creating shop drawings?
β’ common 3D CAD data exchange formats?
β’ speed of high poly DXF/DWG files?
β’ U$ ~300.-huh
Look Norbski, you know, if you want a decent package, you pays your money, and you buy Revit, Vectorworks, Solidworks or whatever. If you are on a serious budget, there is very little out there that will do all these things, and cost you nothing. The problem you have dude, is that you've obviously been bitten too hard by that damn Shark
MacDraft will do me fine, until I can afford PowerCADD 8 that is. And, if you want to release any more passive aggression, moan at Tim for once- after all, you do sell his big stinking fish collection.
@xrok1 said:
for solidworks? did you check my link?
Yes, I did check your link.
edit, and I wholeheartedly agree with Gaieus too. eDrawings really isn't a draughting application- unfortunately.
@xrok1 said:
i didn't think of this till now but you could also try Edrawings.
eDrawings is pretty useless as a drafting tool, as it really is just an advanced viewer for those who don't own Solidworks. It really isn't worth considering at all, imho.
@wind-borne said:
Am I missing something?
No, and I agree, MacDraft in this area is a bit of a pile of shite. I'm championing MD, because apart from a few minor problems, like key commands, MD is actually very good. I just wish the developers would get their act together and improve it. Like I suppose Engineered Software have done for PC8 (it's now a Cocoa app). It's like Microspot don't really care for 2D anymore, despite that in the 'real world' 2D is still very much prevalent (In my experience anyway).
I'm going to mention MicroSpot's MacDraft and PCDraft again.
I've picked MacDraft up once more (after also scouting around for a decent 2D draughting application) and it's working really well with SketchUp too. Works on both Mac and Windows, which is always a good thing.
I've recently started using MacDraft again, so I've really got to champion MicroSpot's MacDraft Pro once more. I bought this MacDraft some years back, and never really used it, because I was lazy and didn't want to use a single button mouse again. But MacDraft really is something special, and it is very cheap too (at the moment, if bought from other distributors). MacDraft is very fast in Snow Leopard too.
There is also a Windows version too- which is very useful!
Sketch, draw, layout and present. The ultimate 2D CAD software from start to finish. Native to macOS, built with the latest technologies and designed for the future, MacDraft is a feature-rich 2D CAD software for architects, engineers and construction services as well as professional CAD users, designers, educators and hobbyists.
PC Draft Professional is the 2D CAD app that makes floor & garden plan design, architectural drawing and technical illustration easy on Windows. Create precise and professional 2D CAD drawings in moments, with this easy-to-use, powerful and affordable drafting application. With its precise vector tools, smart units and fully-featured scaled environment PC Draft is designed to deliver an easy to use solution, without having to spend hours and hours learning how to use more complicated software.
@edson said:
sketchup is not a CAD system. it is a modeling app.
I wish someone could tell me the difference!
Edson, CAD stands for "Computer Aided Design" right? Anything that is designed, is modelled right? Even SU will export DWG files? In 2D and including dimensions too?? (Perhaps even ACIS data?) Then SU is a CAD package!
Hi Sally. I am VERY jealous of your computer. Do you want to swap?
Cheers Dylan.
I noticed the VLC player was mentioned a few times. Personally I'm not a fan of the VLC, I much prefer Chroma, which is far more slick!
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