That works nicely, but I was confused by the text. You refer to circles. All I see are squares.
RE: [Tutorial] Quick octahedron
RE: Open multiple files
@unknownuser said:
Unfortunately if you have a network license you cannot open more instances than you have licenses. We have a 3 seat network at our office and we have 5 people who will potentially be using SU. Makes it a pain when I want to copy and paste. Maybe we need a couple more seat
Could you download some copies of the free version? I know network installations get complicated and may block that option, but it's an idea.
RE: Google Image Search
I've got no suggestions, but another data point for you. This
was at the top of page three of images and this was item 30 on the regular web search.Also, I understand that posting links should increase your page rating, so the above might be good for you too.
Beautiful work too. That's some lamination process. Are you using a marine epoxy?
RE: Basic concepts of Styles
Thanks for the explanation. That explains a lot.
RE: [Tutorial]Export a Listing of Components into other Programs
That's useful, but if it could be in the same order as the outliner, that would be sweet.
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] 3D Text on a cylinder
That's nice. I had tried a variation on that, but your way works much better. I was trying to align the backs of the letters to a cylinder which was already in place.
RE: Push and pull tool
Jean (Johnny) Lemire,
You have a gift for making what seems impossible easy.
RE: Push and pull tool
If I understand your question, the answer is no. But to do what you seem to want, you could push/pull the first one 12', then double click on each of the others with the push/pull tool. That will extend each one the same amount as your last.
A sample of what you are working on would make it easier to advise.
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] Woodworking Dovetails - Tutorial
@gidon said:
By the way Schreiber, which woodworking forum were you refering to?
I'm moderately active over at A lot of excellent woodworkers there.
Dave Richards showed me a much better way to do dovetails in SU and when I get a chance, I'll post a new tutorial.
Woodworkers get very picky about their dovetails because they are hard to do well and because they are a very strong way of making a drawer or a case. They can be made with a router and a jig fairly easily, but handmade dovetails can be made to look very distinctive.
Here are some really nice ones.
The gentleman who made this particular joint is Mark Singer. He is architect and a woodworker and a bunch of other things. He made this piece for a very cool California-coast house which he designed, built furniture for and won an award for. -
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] Woodworking Dovetails - Tutorial
Your website is a delight. The spare and clean style is worthy of your woodworking which is beautiful.
I look forward to spending some more time there. The SU models are very nice and clear. The wood marking technique is also very clever. I will have to try that.
I am a beginning woodworker and have practiced some dovetails, but have not done enough to be pleased with them yet. I hope to make a Shaker style workbench soon which will have a full suite of drawers. If I have enough confidence by then, I may use dovetails on some or all of them.
Since I first posted the tutorial, I have received some suggestions from Dave Richards which speed up the process of drawing dovetails considerably. When I get a chance, I will post a new tutorial which is an improvement on the one above.
Thank you, John
[Tutorial > Modeling] Woodworking Dovetails - Tutorial
I put this together for a woodworking forum and thought I'd share it here. I'm sure it is quite simple for this community, but it was targeted at people who are primarily wood workers rather than electron pushers.
It's my first formal tutorial, so I'd appreciate any suggestions or feedback.
Thank you.
RE: BlackWatercolor
Very cool Dave. A great way of presenting a dramatic piece of furniture.
RE: Zoom
@tom said:
well they did issue me a rectangular, gum based, deletion device also.
One of my favortes was the "eraser shield"
. What a way to make dashed lines. That's something you can't even do in SU. -
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] Square peg in a Round hole
arsenal (I'll bet that's it) (yep that was it)- A governmental establishment for the storing, development, manufacturing, testing, or repairing of arms, ammunition, and other war materiel.
- A stock of weapons.
- A store or supply.
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] Square peg in a Round hole
Very elegantly done. I wasn't aware of that ruby, thanks for pointing it out.
Thank you,
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] Organic modelling
No way. Part of me wants to try it, the other part of me knows better. I don't get enough sleep as it is.
RE: [Tutorial > Modeling] Repeating Patterns - tire tutorial
@krisidious said:
. . . that site will go dead soon...
I must be missing something. Google's 3D warehouse closing down? Or have you found that links to it don't last?
What am I missing?
RE: Open multiple files
Not sure if this is what you mean, but you can have multiple instances of SU open at the same time.
RE: More flexibility with edges
I didn't realize that this was possible either. Playing with it, I'm having a hard time getting it right, but with more practice I imagine I'll be able to do it reliably.
RE: Speed my slow PC for SU
What do I look for in a video card optimized for SU. Is there a difference in cards for vector vs. raster graphics? If I get into some rendering, will that make a difference?