Lovely, but unbiased renderers are just far too slow imo..
RE: Challenge (animation)
@kwistenbiebel said:
I modeled everything in Sketchup ( a lot of bugsplats) , but after that I took the model to Cinema 4D to animate and render.
Slowly I am trying to faze out Sketchup from my workflow for some tasks like setting up scenes, rendering, animation and adding higher poly objects.
With Sketchup 7 , Google is not taking the direction with Sketchup that I like to see.
Actually the interview with John Bacus convinced me to adopt new software. It doesn't mean I will stop using Sketchup...I completely agree, I had to do a masterplan before December and Sketchup seriously let me down. So what's the workflow like with c4d, how long was setting up, rendering and the general interface? I used it very briefly once before, but it didn't strike me as user-friendly on first impressions. I'm either going to go with modo or c4d I think
RE: Challenge (animation)
Awesome! really long animation too and super smooth, what did you use??
RE: Ballerina
Very nice. I wonder if the smoke could be created in sketchup using a fog control ruby or something
RE: Linceo VR 3.0 (Hypershot + Augmented Reality)
Thanks for the reply Andrea. May I ask what from of proof your require for the student version exactly - will a valid student card do?
Here are some of my tests anyway (I exported to obj. format which worked but still produced some odd faces here and there). I should also mention that I tried exporting to 3ds but the quality was much worse than obj. - What I was most confused with was the actual render quality of the program, materials simply didn't respond to HDRI environments as accurately as they would in Hypershot. Apart from this rather crucial issue, linceoVR 2.1 was full of great features - the realtime animation record button and various animation settings are very impressive. Again I was let down by the render quality though - Shadows did not cast accurately at all and were also very weak. The orbiting control was also very difficult to use (as you will see in my realtime animation). Below are some comparisons between linceoVR 2.1 and Hypershot 1.5 - I should also mention that the hypershot renders posted were my very first in Hypershot (the fov is totally wrong)Here is my very first attempt with linceo - exported as 3ds.
My second attempt - exported as obj.
Third attempt - tried to tone down reflections and make it look more natural
A comparison with Hypershot (my first ever render with hypershot) same hdri environment as previous image
A v-ray render
The realtime rendered animation (LinceoVR 2.1) (very difficult to orbit)
[flash=425,344:27d2allj][/flash:27d2allj]This is how I would ideally like the animation to look - but bear in mind this took 35hrs to render with v-ray
Youtube: regarding the rendering issue - maybe the loss in quality was due to my export to obj.?
Thanks anyway,
PrinceDC -
RE: Hypershot & Architecture
@nomeradona said:
not bad at all prince. good output so far with architecture.
Thanks Nomer, you still using Hypershot?
RE: Hypershot & Architecture
@kwistenbiebel said:
Deng! those are really nice for being Hypershot renders.
Thanks kwistenbiebel, much appreciated!
RE: Linceo VR 3.0 (Hypershot + Augmented Reality)
Thanks for enlightening me with these further differences Andrea
. I actually haven't tried the trial yet but will do now. The problems I see with Linceo are that there is no direct Sketchup support and often materials are lost with the conversion to other file formats. With hypershot there is a sketchup plugin which exports the sketchup view directly into hypershot (this is very useful).
Post Revised:
With regards price I must stand corrected! My sincerest apologies as it appears as though there is a free student version! I'm in the process of downloading now and am eager to learn what if any limitations there are. Will report back soon enough.
Hypershot & Architecture
Here are some hypershot renders recently finished for a university project I was working on. I'm slowly getting the hang of interior shots but artifical lighting in Hypershot is still below par. I have countless images of this project but most of them are on my external hardrive so might post some more interesting images later.
Linceo VR 3.0 (Hypershot + Augmented Reality)
This is basically Hypershot with augmented reality. Can't see any major advantages over Hypershot apart from augmented reality - its main flaws are price and lack of direct su support. The cool thing about Linceo is that it produces rendered augmented reality.
RE: Augmented Reality Plug-in for Google Sketch-Up released
Very cool! I have no idea how to 'print' the code though..?
RE: Google Sketchup Pro 7 is out
Layout 2 appears to be absolutely fantastic at first glance. 2D drafting really does seem possible in layout now with the option to export finished drawings as jpegs or png's - very useful. The snap system feels far better and it is easy to change line weights, line type and colour. If only multi-core was supported this would feel like the replacement to Autocad. Unfortunately, large scenes, highly populated with images or models are still just as slow as ever (in my immediate opinion). I just pray that something is rectified regards multi-core support.. For the moment I will retract my grief regards 2d drafting, it all hangs on multi-core support now
RE: Google Sketchup Pro 7 is out
All I really wanted was multi-core support, but sadly it is nowhere to be seen as of yet.. hugely disappointed. 2D drafting within sketchup was also something I was eagerly awaiting.. nowhere to be seen either - Layout looks better but I need to evaluate it more for the moment.. Unless Google releases some magic list of features and points me towards some magic button I missed, then unfortunately it is time to leave for another modeler..
RE: [Plugin] Smoothstep Animation
Been looking forward to this
Will give it a test tomorrow. Thank you Whaat
RE: Lada 1600
Thanks for the wealth of info modelhead. I'll give it a go and let you know..