Kashino House rendered as a scale model. Done in Hypershot (right click 'view as' to see entire image)
Kashino House - Tado Ando
RE: Barcelona Pavilion (Animation Added)
@mirjman said:
great realistic feel to the atmosphere in that room! are you saying this is lightup?
No this is v-ray for sketchup.
@juanjo06 said:
beautiful... how did you render the animation, better said, what is the other software u used to join the vray image rendered. i just know how to render the each frame but i donΒ΄t know how to make the video.
Thanks, I used windows movie maker which comes with all vista machines
RE: Barcelona Pavilion (redux)
@adamb said:
Ironically I Gaussian blurred it just so it would feel out of the depth of field and not encroach.. sigh...
Sorry, completely the right idea, just too much imo.
Still really interested in seeing a screen capture of LightUp handling the scale model scene. The pictures look amazing!
RE: Hypershot Renders
This looks like really promising software, would really like to see some more architectural examples though
RE: Barcelona Pavillion (yet another one):Fry
Great one Kwist
What I really like about this is the use of multiple segments rather than one long journey (as I did in my animation). I reckon su's camera motion will be easier to deal with in multiple short segements. Would still like to see how LightUp really handles scenes like these though, 10hrs vs 1min
RE: Barcelona Pavilion (redux)
Holy crap, so you can actually orbit around those renders in real time? These are much better results than I was expecting. Cannot wait to see this in motion..
@adamb said:
First thing that tripped me up was the stone desk its all sitting on - at around 2 kilometers by 1 kilometer in size (an allcomers record, surely) - it revealed a scale-dependant bug in LightUp. BTW Bug now fixed - with a commit revision number of 666 which made me smile!
Eh lol! sorry about that!
@adamb said:
I added a skybox too (which I think clashes a little...)
Although it may clash, for the moment it is an excellent replacement for HRDI - you just require a more suitable image that is not so blurred/skewed
Really promising overall though Adam
RE: Barcelona Pavilion (Animation Added)
@adamb said:
The discoloration is caused by 2 things.
The handle goes through the body of the cup and is causing some bad normals on the inner surface - you'll see SU shading anomolies. Just delete the part of the handle inside the cup body.
More importantly, the smoothing groups seem wrong. You want your surface normals on the outer side of the mug to be varying around the circumference of the mug but not vertically. This false color render of interpolated surface normal screenshot from LightUp shows the normals are being smooth around the bottom of the mug causing your odd shading. If the normals were 'right', the bottom of the mug would have a near constant normal facing down (as it does right in the center).
Hmm this is interesting, but somewhat out of my realm of understanding. I should also say that I got the cup from the warehouse, so what you're saying might make more sense if i was the creator. But I do understand that you want a horizontal band, rather than vertical band of colour around the cup. So how badly is the render effected in Lightup in the end? Vray has discoloured it slightly but it's not detrimental to the final rendering. Is this the case in LightUp? Can LightUp adapt to cope with such 'bad normals' rather than the user having to make sure every component is composed of good normals?
RE: Bad habits Annonymous
My name is Princedragoncok and I steal models from the 3d warehouse
RE: Barcelona Pavilion (Animation Added)
@kwistenbiebel said:
Nice job Prince.
The wood comes out nicely and indeed the light is fine.
I wonder: is this the same model you propose AdamB to try out using LightUp?
That would make a great comparison in terms of the speed/quality ratio.
Interesting!Thanks kwist, and yes this is the same model I propose Adam try out using LightUp. I know it will be fast, but i'm more interested in the quality LightUp will produce..
RE: Barcelona Pavilion (Animation Added)
Thanks Brodie and Solo. Appreciate the advice too - especially the architecture studio scenario. With object animation I could even have a fly buzzing around and actual saliva dripping!
RE: Newbie here...
Thank you for taking the time to explain this. greatly appreciated!
RE: Barcelona Pavilion (redux)
Hi Adam, I'd be interested to see how close a result lightUp can achieve when compared to v-ray. So if you'd like my model I'd be happy to give it to you for the experiment. Provided it came out comparable, I could touch it up in windows movie maker and make a nice video for your gallery. Let me know
Also does LightUp support HDRI's?
@pbacot said:
If you please. What's real time rendering? I have been doing searches but find it in context, but not described. How does it affect SU?
Real time rendering is a render that you are able to move around in real time. For example, my animation of the barcelona pavilion took 35hrs with 500+ stills, Adam's real time render took 2 minutes and then he can orbit around the rendered model all he wants from any angle
RE: Newbie here...
Some of the nicest renders i've seen.
Especially the first two. Can you talk us through your rendering process? (specifically the wonderful vegetation) and how much post process is involved?
RE: Seadoo
@durant hapke said:
'm sadly, not into water, as I once had my man dangler and brain sacks nearly eroded out from between my legs when I was once riding featured device.
Ah brilliant!
RE: Silvershadows eye candy 2 : BLACK HAWK
Utterly outstanding! Thanks for posting - especially the process, outlines how remarkable what you've done really is. And the renders.., the best i've ever seen
RE: Seadoo
Wow, awesome
How accurate would you say this is though? like could you perfectly recreate the seadoo from blueprints or would there always be a degree of inaccuracy due to the nature of sds being kinda trial and errorish? Really fantastic for pure sketchup though
RE: Barcelona Pavilion (Animation Added)
Here ya go: http://www.cgtextures.com/texview.php?id=4715&PHPSESSID=ed155963660e9c84e42204b0199a8376
What do you reckon would make the cigarette and mug better? I see there is slight discoloration at the bottom of the mug - dunno why that is though -
Barcelona Pavilion (Animation Added)
Really want to make this into an animation but at 30 mins per render I can't see that happening for the moment. For now I'm going to call it a work in progress. Any suggestions appreciated before I try to get this animated.
Most objects are from the warehouse by the way. Right click - 'view image' or 'save as' to view the entire imageUpdate - Animation Added
Youtube: http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=RPVoY8WwL7E