I am not seeing this on a Mac. When I command-tab between softwares, my zoom stays the same in Layout.
RE: Suggestions to improve Layout
RE: Is BimUp 5D As Good as it Appears?
Awesome that I misunderstood how the subscription works. I am very pleased to hear that Pluspec is not something that I have to keep buying over and over over without owning:)
Thanks for the clarification and I agree, too, with the above comment that a demo version would be a great way to spin the tires without making a large investment right off the bat.
Thanks for spending the time on these forums; I really appreciate the fact that you are here answering questions quickly.
RE: Is BimUp 5D As Good as it Appears?
Hard to find the answer on the Pluspec site, but are they charging $395 a year?! I really really hate the subscription model and this will keep me from using it at all.
Let me buy your software and I will use it. Enslave me to mandatory payments every year and I will turn myself inside out finding alternatives. I was lucky enough to start using Lightup before Adam went the subscription route and, if I hadn't, I wouldn't be using that software either. And don't get me started on Adobe...
And why is it almost impossible to even determine that it is a subscription service on the site? No where does it say this, that I could find, unless you actually have to register and then they drop that info?
RE: MSPhysics 1.0.3 (16 October 2017)
Too bad, but thanks for the explanation of why.
RE: Who said SketchUp doesn't need to be 64 bit?
I'm with you Jeff,
I have put long lists of suggestions and wishes on the forum over the years, and, like, most of them were modifying existing features as opposed to looking for new ones.
And, like you, I have been almost completely discouraged by the lack of anything ever happening.
Though I must say that I have been very pleasantly surprised by Marc Durant being so engaged with my Layout suggestions; it sounds as if that might actually result in meaningful changes to the software.
And, quite frankly, the last 3 updates to SU have anemic at best and downright laughable pathetic at worst. I, too, have wondered if there is either a lack of leadership, or misguided leadership at the top and this, coupled with perhaps not a great corporate support structure, leads to paltry releases with no movement on core improvements. And the iPad viewer they released? laughably useless. So so much for that getting much better any time in the future...And no real face making real-time sections? It's not like we are asking for the earth here...
It is, without a doubt, completely and utterly ridiculous that they don't have a 64 bit version in the pipeline. That list of processes you posted a couple of days ago was pretty painful to see...
RE: Suggestions to improve Layout
That's a good point! If I could draw a circle and then apply a line style of a cloud, that would be great, for sure!
RE: Suggestions to improve Layout
@krisidious said:
For clouding, would it not be better just to have a style that wrapped objects such as text? Custom edge styles would accomplish more with less I would think.
This would work for objects, but what if you wanted to call attention to a portion of a SU instance? Of making notations over imported PDF's. To me, being able to manually "draw" the cloud would probably be more useful on a day to day basis. YMMV...
@marcdurant said:
Don't worry, I haven't forgotten. I actually started hacking around on #10 while riding the bus up to BaseCamp on Monday. It's something I've been wanting to do for about a year but haven't managed to fit it in yet. #2 and #9 are also on my personal list.
Awesome!! While I know that I threw out a whole release worth of wish lists , #2 is one of the ones that would have the most meaningful time savings on my workflow. Thanks for the update and I wish I was there at Basecamp to shake your hand and say thanks in person!
RE: Suggestions to improve Layout
Marc! Please don't forget us!
I know base camp has probably thrown a wrench in everyone's SOP, but I really thought we were going to get some traction on improving Layout
RE: Trimble SketchUp Mobile Viewer for iOS
Scenes don't control layer visibility and no individual layer control?!
No way to measure? No way to drill down through groups/components to isolate geometry?
Why on earth does Trimble have such a hard-on for the 3D warehouse? It is at best a repository for garbage models made by inexperienced modelers with no clue how to create a "clean" model. I have maybe downloaded 10 models in the last 3 years and I use SU every day and each of those 10 took almost as long to clean up as it would for me to create them fresh.
Recommended to not install on 2nd gen iPads?
Nice try, but how about giving us a tool and not a toy...
It seems like every time there is an announcement of something new, I get all excited and then I read the release notes and discouragement is the result. It is without question the fact that "power" pro users of SU are being increasingly marginalized.
RE: Suggestions to improve Layout
Hey Marc, I got excited when I saw you posted today!
Thanks for the status report; I eagerly await further development. I am available if anyone needs clarifications, testing, etc.
RE: [Plugin] Align tool 3D (bug fix)
While I understand the drive to "upgrade" to Ruby 2.0, it is pretty frustrating that many old plugins don't work any more.
RE: [Plugin] Align tool 3D (bug fix)
Thanks for the response!
I changed the code to read as TIG said it should (image 1). I also tried it with a space between the ) and the [ with no difference
Now, when I start SU, I get this error message (image 2)
RE: [Plugin] Align tool 3D (bug fix)
Can anyone confirm that this is not working in Su14 on a mac mavericks?
I installed the plugin both through the sketchucation plugin store and also through Didier's thread here.
Neither plugin appears in TOOLS and there is no align choice in the context menu when something is selected.
It's like the plugin doesn't exist, though it shows up in the plugin manager, and is in the user/library.../plugins location.
RE: Sketchup 14 mac crashing like never before
There is a difference between crashing and force quitting. I think that is maybe why you aren't seeing the SU bugsplat reporter? I would expect the SU bugsplat dialogue only when SU crashes by it's self?
I feel like I have seen just what you are experiencing with having to force quit and it was, for me, because I didn't see the save dialogue window and SU seemed to just stall out and beach ball.
RE: Trying to add material collection OSX Mavericks
It was noticed earlier (maybe version 13) that if you place a custom material folder with the same name as a SU default folder into your user/materials folder, then SU will only show the default folder. I rename all my custom folders so then the material browser will show both.
My browser is full of cladding (the default) and cladding 1 (my cladding folder that I have been adding to for years), roofing and roofing 1 etc. It makes the browser crowded but it works.
RE: Sketchup 14 mac crashing like never before
On not being able to quit SU, is it possible that SU is giving you the dialogue for "do you want to save before quitting" and that this window is somehow hidden behind another window? SU won't quit until you choose to either save or not. This is especially maddening because SU always opens a new window when you start and that can be easily hidden behind your actual working files and then you have to choose to not save before SU will quit.
Next time you try to quit and it stalls, use mission control to show all windows and see if there is that hidden dialogue window. Just a thought...
RE: Sketchup 14 mac crashing like never before
Hi Luke, sorry to hear about your difficulties; I know how frustrating they can be.
Have you tried running SU without any plugins installed? If not, then I would try that first.
Not sure what is going on with the lack of a SU bug report; you probably are not getting the SU bugsplat window because you are having to force quit as opposed to having SU just crash. I am pretty sure that SU does not get the apple bug reports.
RE: Suggestions to improve Layout
Marc, you have brought joy to my heart and hope to my soul!
Some days, I spend more time with LO than I do with my wife, so it would be safe to say I am heavily invested in improving my experience.
It is fantastic to know that the team has read these thoughts and suggestions; it can't hurt to have some insight into a "power" user's experience, right?
I eagerly await hearing your responses and thanks for taking the time to let us know that you guys are reading this thread!
RE: Engineering toolbox with mavericks
I've been using the plugin since SU14 was released and everything seems to be working fine.
I'm using 10.9.2, fwiw.