Dimension styles and functionality to match Layout's dimensions tool so that perspective dimensioning in SU could match LO style in every way, since we can't perspective dimension in LO
+100 for layer palette tools. Also for Scene and Material Palettes
Preference options for turning off/customizing inference engine. Create hierarchal list of inferences so one can customize which is given greater "strength" depending on use (for instance, I would make center of line most important/strong, and I would remove the axis origin entirely)
Preference to turn off the rotate functionality portion of the move tool
Eliminate or customizable clipping distance
Eliminate the crazy zoom when cursor is not hovering over geometry
Eliminate all the dotted lines and multiple vertex inference dots when trying to grab a part of a circle/cylinder. Utterly maddening and confusing when trying to set individual bolts in a large model.
Improve native 3D text to include edibility
Native section tool to provide cut faces like TIG's plugin. Also, allow for stepped section planes instead of just straight lines
Some sort of a click and modifier function that allows me to instantly edit a deeply nested component/group. Endless double clicking to drill down through 8 groups is a huge time waster.
That's just off the top of my head...