Fantasmagorical. Not just good renders but the thought that has gone into placement of the entourage, people half in frame or at the edge, all things you get in real photos when the public are involved. I especially liked the car lights trail in the night shot of the house.
Thanks .
RE: Recent Stuff :::
RE: Adding backgrounds to render
I don't know much about V-ray but I would add the rest in Photoshop or Gimp using layers. You will then have a lot more control and choice of backgrounds and images to use. For example
RE: Auto replace text with links
Sounds good to me. Fletch does it all the time on Twilight and Kerkythea forums, maybe ask him how?
RE: A Krenov-inspired sideboard
Great, thanks for the explanations. I'd love to have a go at making something like that. Maybe a bit ambitious seeing as how I don't have a workshop, if I want to make something I have to wait for good weather and work outside.
RE: Living Space
Both look great to me. Are the chairs leather or plastic?- they look quite shiny. Cant help feeling that the area around them could be a bit brighter even if the window area then got burnt out a bit. Light dappling at the window is gorgeous though so might spoil it.
RE: A Krenov-inspired sideboard
Really like it. How would you go about actually making the flared legs?
RE: Light studies
Have you toned down the first one? Now that I see them with the originals the technique does breath more life into the images. Just thought the reception area(?) looked too pink one the first post.
RE: A Wall Cabinet
Maybe cheat a little? A brighter background behind the reflected object might do it but could look out of place with the rendering style unless its kept black and white
RE: Present your best work!
Not all my own work, I just customized the model provided for a 'Render this' challenge a while ago. The original model belongs to Tadema,(thanks and hope you don't mind John) but so far its the best render I have come up with on my tired old PC at home. Plenty of things still wrong with it but I like it
RE: Light studies
I think you succeeded on the first one, quite nice, and on the second for what you were aiming for, but I don't think I like it. Reminds me of 70's colour photos when they were not processed properly. Just personal taste really 'cos you've done it well.
RE: A Little Wall Cabinet From the Early 1900s
Thanks for the detailed reply, I get it now, but of course the mirror doesn't show in the render. I have actually used the router/corner chisel method myself (once, about 6 years ago) but didn't put two and two together. I hadn't allowed for modern tools being used on an old design.
RE: A Little Wall Cabinet From the Early 1900s
Like it even more, thanks for the big picture. Question on the rear view of the door, the upright line on the inside edge of the stile is offset from the centre panel. Glitch or construction method? Genuine question, I am not a carpenter (although sometimes I try to be) but I do get involved in a lot of detail when designing cabinets for manufacture, so it caught my eye. And ditto on what Cotty said.
RE: A Little Wall Cabinet From the Early 1900s
Now that is nice. But the click to enlarge only brings up the same size image, can we have a bigger picture please, I need new glasses.
RE: Multiple Leader Lines for Single Text String
@unknownuser said:
not sure how i happened to miss this one.
Likewise. I guess I wouldn't have looked for it under the Label Reporting title. You can also do it using Copy in Place but can't remember quite how. There is a mini tut on another site under 'tips and tricks' I think, but it can be fiddly. Fredo's solution looks easier.
RE: Generate Report???
Use TIG's Component Reporter ++ plugin.?
RE: Watering Hole
@tadema said:
you can call her anything you like, forgot the bloody sign!
Oh! Now I feel like a pr**k for asking. Lets just say not naming your art is a sign of modesty and greatness.