I been doing some research and I am very impressed with this software. The post pro possibilities are endless.
Check this video out among others for starters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB4H774bmbI
I been doing some research and I am very impressed with this software. The post pro possibilities are endless.
Check this video out among others for starters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WB4H774bmbI
I don't know anything about this software but it seems to be a very powerful piece of software for anyone in CG. I found this news in the Blender forums and thought maybe it would be familiar to some SU users. I just downloaded it and I'm checking it out now.
NOTE: Windows Only. Seems if you google this topic, there are other forums discussing this news.
Thread I found it http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?354134-Blackmagic-just-released-Fusion-for-free
Direct link https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/fusion
So I started reading the manual and find this is a great composting application like After Effects, Combustion, Etc. I can see some good uses for this for those who do a lot of post pro work.
Box-I wasn't paying attention to the arch size in your first post so didn't pick up on that. Now I feel like a noob again. I was aware of the magenta before but never gave it the respect it deserved. So this is a "Duh" moment for me as I think of how much time I could've saved instead of using the measuring tape in past projects. Guess I need more speed modeling practice.
Whoa...I can think of many uses for the PNG export. Especially for post pro work.
Another thing with the arch tool- After making an arch in a corner, we can then double-click on the other corners to get matching arches. No more using the measuring tape for this purpose.
Discovered it here http://3dprintboard.com/showthread.php?8223-SketchUp-2015-Update%26amp;p=34424
Where is the auto fillet tool located? That looks like the arch tool you're using. Are you holding a key to get the fillet function?
Box- All these years I been using Sketchup and did not know we can do that...
I have some rather large toolsets taking up valuable space where I only use 1 or 2 of the bunch. Now I know what to do. Thanks for that.
EDIT: Think I got excited too soon. Is it only the default tools that can be customized into a new toolbar?
Who said Sketchup being 64bit was not necessary? I'm seeing all kinds of improvements and blockades opened.
I was able to test some of my heavy models and I can confirm that the performance is much better. I also did a test with Thea that would usually crash SU. This time SU did not crash. So far so good. Thanks team!
Looks like I got my answer sooner than I thought I would. But then again I knew it was too quiet.
This is great news! And to think a few months ago we were reading posts that suggested SU will never be 64bit. As soon as I finish downloading, I'm gonna load up lots of Thea tree proxies and see what happens.
Very impressive for a Pretso AO render. I wouldn't think that mode would do it either. But you pulled it off.
@dave r said:
I'm going to take a wild guess and say that part of the next version will be the 5 in its name.
It's been quiet since the last update. Now fall is about here as we head into the 4th quarter and I was just wondering what we can be looking forward to in the next version. Not asking for a wishlist but what is actually being planned to be a part of v2015. Any news of this yet?
Thanks pbacot! I'm finally getting it!!!
I was mistaking Extrudetools for curviloft in my last post. The curviloft method works perfectly using the path option. The only mistake I made this time was not using the follow me for the back end. I actually split the top curve from the side profile to use as the curviloft path which is why you can see a variation of the surface where the 2 halves meet. I could also make a wider oval end to get closer to the reference picture.
@pbacot said:
Interesting. I thought curviloft along path and then follow me for the more rectangular section might do it.
How did you get the end piece so clean with curviloft? My mesh keeps generating with sloppy twisting where the shapes meet. You are very close.
Thanks Ely! I been trying out Extrudetools today but so far not getting clean geometry. I got close but nothing satisfactory yet. The shape you got there is very close but the end of the lever is thicker. I will continue to practice.
@carloh said:
looking good!
are you using HDRI lighting only? at least in the daylight scene i guess some direct sunlight would give the scene some extra beauty
Thanks Carloh! I knew I was missing something. Enabling the sun along with the IBL made a huge difference.
Now I really have to work on better textures.
Thanks for the tip. I do need more practice with vertex tools. The biggest head scratcher for me is transitioning from the flat surface of the lever to the rounded end which is flat at the tip. So far the closest I came to it was by using the round corner where the "rounding" got close enough at the tip to make the end appear rounded and the base was broad enough to retain the flat surface.
Here's my attempt at something just for some kind of practice