cool came out great
RE: Identify like components
there is a ruby script that will select all instances of a component from the right click menu, I think this is the most straightforward way to accomplish that. Possibly named instances.rb?
RE: 2.5D Conifers...?
tom, I just posted this on the thread about solo's garden package as well, but I thought it would be of interest to you since you are dealing with the same issues,
a good discussion about containers and processor usage
RE: Garden collection
dear solo-
regarding the deeply nested component issue, you might find this explaination by adamb very interesting about components/containers and processor usage:
RE: Why are some parts Purple,some gray?
the blue color represents the back of the face, the white color represents the front. you can switch the sides by right clicking on a face and saying "reverse faces". this might be significant to you since you are exporting the files, other rendering programs can treat the back face as if it does not exist and will render them invisible or cause other problems.
RE: Quarter Sawn Oak texture
click on the arrow in the top right and us "save collection as" to quickly save all the imported materials
RE: Render this......!!
close encounter
second render using DOF in the program vs. photoshop post process, took a lot longer to come out, and can't really adjust the focus when you are done, but came out smoother
RE: Vue render - grainy light
it was totally the glass, thanks for the tip. Do you usually just leave the glass out of windows for your interior renders? using vue 7 btw with "final" render settings
i guess i should have been more specific - ha! does this occur in the rendering program or is everyone here using a third party app to do this
can anyone explain "tone mapping" or "tone mapped", this phrase has come up multiple times in this thread - is this software specific?
RE: Groupbytextures.rb
i can't seem to replicate this, can you tell me what you are doing to cause the problem
RE: Groupbytextures.rb
could this be because the material is applied to the group and not at the face level?
Vue render - grainy light
I started this for the warehouse render thread, but could not figure out the problem- why is the light that falls on the lower half of the wall so grainy? it seems a lot better high in the ceiling. I have tried switching from ambient occlusion to global radiosity but still have the same problem. What am I missing to get a nice crisp line between the light and shadow?
here's a shot with vue 6... can anyone tell me why I keep getting the grainy look in the bright light render? using ambient occlusion
RE: Sketchup shadow rules
thanks for response guys. I assume when you check "use sun for shading" it is just using the sun position to calculate the angle to the normals rather than the camera? same technique though?
Sketchup shadow rules
does anyone know what the technique is called that sketchup uses to control the 3d shading look when the sun is turned off? what are the rules for this? what I am talking about is that when you look at a face straight on, it will be much lighter than looking at it from a very shallow angle. I would like to know more of the details about how this works.
RE: Private Office
for the render, i think it has a great feel. One strange thing about the model though is that the middle set of shelves do not line up with the side bookshelf vertically and makes the bookshelf look out of place... wondering if that was intentional. the fluorescent lights also seem a little bright in comparison to the strength of the sun. great work though
RE: Inference interference
stefan- your problem is a perfect example of when the inferencing thinks it is smarter than you but gets very annoying! One solution to your problem is to draw a transparent plane well above your terrain. Draw your freehand lines as well as you can on the plane above, then you can drop the outline onto your terrain