@brookefox said:
Thanks for yor response. This use I get but for it I don't need this plugin:
@unknownuser said:
problems with file size had numerous groups with the same geo.
One can make components out of groups and instances of groups this with native SU.
It's the making of components out of lines that I don't get much of.
So for your 'simple' best use you would have a lot of lines in your models which are not parts of components, and making them components with this would reduce your file size. OK. I do have a lot of groups which are not components, but next to no lines which are not parts of groups or components. For me the crux is when and what groups to componetize, just because it take time, even if it saves file space. Certainly if I have many of said group or I want component behavior from a group it would be best componentized, I don't need a plugin to do that. Rereading the thread I see the use implied of maybe wanting to populate a model with lines, componetize them and then subsequently edit the component which would then be in place wherever the lines were. If I can do this now with two lines instead of one, that is sufficient for me.
Glad you are happy with what you have that is what is important. The plugin is just another wrench in the tool box.
You are correct SU has that native capability but what are you going to do if you have say a 100 groups and identical. The native tool will make a component out of all of them but the reduction of file size doing that will be nil.
My test case was not suppose to be a global analysis of a model having a mix of various entities and was meant to show what poor modeling practice can cost one. The model has 33 groups and nested in each of those is three groups( all identical) and some other simple entities a really a simple model. If you examine one of those and expolde the component the change in file size is nil so the the message is use components but having a bunch of nested groups in the components does not help much