I haven't run through all the thread since 8 came on the scene, but it doen't work on my laptop with 8. V7.1, it works just fine. Attached is a screen shot of a simple bend, it seems to start and then stalls at 5%. On my V7.1, it bends in a few seconds. I don't get any error message box on startup or when I start the shape bender.
RE: [Plugin] Shape Bender Beta
RE: Making Contours problem
Thanks TIG, the contour make works fine.I understand why the slicer would not work. All other times I have used it was on solids.
RE: Making Contours problem
Thank you Kris, TIG and Starling75.
The 1001Bits trace contour worked.
Slicer worked - sort of- It would cut the contour lines but would give me a screen "no volume to cut" and when I click ok - the contours dissapear. I varied the slice thickness but no change.
I have used slicer before, but never got that kind of dialog box.
Making Contours problem
I have a new project to design a home on a nicely coontoured piece of wooded property. I used Google Earth to produce the terrain and used CD Archland - make contours, but the contours don't show all of the height difference. Attached are two images I grabbed from the scene. You can see that the bottom of the ridge is not contoured. I tried a number of intervals, the one show is at 6". Any thoughts? I have never used this feature before. Is there an alternate if this doesn't work?
RE: Balustrade with components plugin seems to fail in SU8
Thanks for the update TIG, I have been keeping a lookout for any and all fixes to the SU8 problem. I do use this plugin but haven't tried since the update. Now I don't need to worry
RE: SketchUp 7 to SketchUp 8 migration ....how to best do this
I can't understand why you are not able to copy the plug ins. I upgraded last week and just copied them and they worked fine except for a few that need to be updated for SU8.
RE: TOS not working with SU8
@thomthom said:
............ Odd that some are getting errors for TOS and some doesn't...
hmm... Jim mentioned he wasn't getting any load errors...
Attached is my start up screen - no error notices and I have a lot of plugins. I have a problem with the IRenderNxt but the messages only showed up when I tried to open the renderer on the ruby consol.
RE: Sketchup 8 - Follow Me problem - icon
Same thing for me. Follow me turns into a push/pull icon but works just fine.
RE: TOS not working with SU8
I have SU8-pro installed and My TOS is working just fine, but my component menu is acting strange. Maybe there are some plugin and ruby interactions going on?
I do know that IRender has what Al Hart said is a hiccup due to some ruby changes, which they are correcting this next few days.
Any News?
Anyone hear anything about how the boot camp is going? Any discussion in boulder about the new release? there should be some interesting stories coming.
RE: SU-8 problem loading components
Thank you for your help again my friend, I really have an annoying issue here.
@honoluludesktop said:
???? Maybe you need to rerun the SU8 install program as repair. Where are your component folders? My three (see the first image) are in:
C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 8\Components
I also pointed the "Window > Preferences > Files > Models" to the component folder.
I tried pointing those preference files - re-booted- no change.
This is my 3rd install of SU8, and in one of the installs, the component box had some files that were saved in the SU7 folder.
I am on re-install #2 with no luck. Everything is in the correct folder.
Btw: I wasn't able to run your video, what do I need on my side to do so?
The video was made with Jing, a free capture program for stills and video. The pro version is $14/year and lets you save in MP4 as well as the default SWF. The forum won't allow MP4's so it is SWF.
thanks again. Hope your animation problem gets worked out -
RE: Joint Push Pull Classic (Old version) - v2.2a - 26 Apr 17
Thank you Fredo great tool that gets a lot of use.
RE: SU-8 problem loading components
honoluludesktop, thank you for taking the time to look at this problem. What you described is exactly what I have done, button for button. Each of the folders is already in the favorites list, the "Add to favorites" is greyed out. However if I click on one of the favorite folders - nothing comes up in the thumbnail box. If use the back and forward buttons at the bottom of the screne, I can get folders in the box. I have tried the open or create a local collection, but that doesn't work either. My Jing video from the first post shows the clicking frustrations.
RE: SU-8 problem loading components
@honoluludesktop said:
Jim, From components, select the folder you wish to place in favorites, click on the arrow looking icon on the right, and "add to favorites".
Won't work.
All the folders are already in the "favorites" list when I click on the navigation down arrow - to the right of the "in model" button, but will not open in the thumbnail panel below. All that will open is the "in model" components and what ever I type in the dialog box, which will pull something out of 3DW. I can navigate to my collection only by clicking the back and forward arrows at the bottom of the thumbnail panel.
RE: SU-8 problem loading components
Has anyone else found this component selection difference? I wonder if it is a new "feature", and just looks like a bug to be.
(I'm hoping it is a simple click and I can move this to the "Doh" thread)
SU-8 problem loading components
I transfered my component files to SU-8 and now I can't retrieve them the same way we did in SU7. I did a little video to illustrate. It seems frozen in Google 3DW.
I did a re-install, but no change. I did find that I can use the back arrow on the bottom of the box to get back to the component folders, but no go on the favorites box next to the "what is in the model" button
RE: SketchUP 8
FYI --- I transfered my ruby collection and everything seems to work. Have not actually TRIED everything yet, but at least no error messages on startup. All the tool bars come up etc. EXCEPT the IRender Plus. My Podium works, but Al Hart just notified me they have to issue an upgrade to the renderer so it works with V8.
RE: SketchUP 8
Just found this news article on the Google pages:
Here is the upgrade link:
RE: SketchUP 8
@ben ritter said:
How do you get the upgrade? Been on the website but still v.7.
It still shows as V7.1 on the download page, but if you download and open - you see it it really V8!