I have posted a few stills of the Griffith down town, but have the whole thing together now and the Town said it was okay to go public.
Since my Slide share seems to be welded to Linkedin I have posted the PDF to Google Docs - hope this works http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B3dq-kvzWbW7N2Q5OGY1NWEtOTYwNS00ODVmLTk4MGQtOGFlNjJkNWQyYTRh&hl=en
All done with GSU 7.1 and Google Earth maps. No third party rendering or post work. Hard to judge the time line. Did some field measurements, lots of photos and owner-shopkeeper interviews. Did the whole area as an existing model, then used a copy to develop each storefront. Maybe one work day + average per front. I did a rough pencil sketch to rough out an idea and then went directly into SU. Overall it took about 5 months - including some down time at the first of the year when I broke my leg! without a doubt, my largest SU undertaking ever. One block is about 70MB. Lots of textures.
It has been a fun project. A small town, fair amount of history but mostly built in the 1940's -60's, a bit run down but a good spirit and good number of viable business. They need a shot in the arm to see what their small DT (about 2 1/2 blocks) could look like. LOTS of traffic THROUGH town, but not enough people stop to do business. If this catches on,that should change. One project completed so far, one more underway and several planned for this summer. The Town has a matching grant for the fascade work and have been holding block parties, farmers market, festivals etc. to get some excitement going. Between money being available, the activities and the "pretty drawings", it seems to be working I did 24x36 color ink jet prints of 8 scenes that they have on display at the Town Hall and show at events. I was pleasently suprised at how good they looked blown up that much.
Would love to have some comments. The document will be updated as more people sign on and as the area expands and if I (we) can come up with any other brilliant ideas. This summer my local AIA group will be hosting a design Charette to do an adaptive re-use of a soon to be closed school building in the 200 block of the DT. I will keep you posted on that.