Thanks for the update TIG
Thanks Rick for re-working the organizer. Eagerly awaiting!
thanks Ron, can always use these - very good models.
Thanks for getting back to me- sorry i haven't responded to the comments - been dividing my time between this and the new SU.
My computer is a three year old Dell Inspiron 8600, 1 gig ram and Nvida VC. No problem with the windows account admin rights. The one thing in hardware that changed was I added a second monitor at about the same time I upgraded to the new SU version. I haven't taken the time to back track my steps and remove the monitor and then re-load the earlier version of 6 - hopes are to avoid this.
As you experienced Hank, the setting work fine for a few times, then rearrange. I have saved the startup template several times. Very strange. I'll post any resolution to the problem, if found.
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Ever since I updated my pro-version 6 several weeks ago, I have found a few quirky startup behavior problems than never happened before. I have thought it was me and not the software, (and that still may be the case). Please advise:
On start up, sometimes the menus come back as I had them set, sometimes they bunch up on the top row and I need to re-distribute them. Not the main menus however, only a few such as the soap bubble, space design, sand box and ruby panel.
On start up I get the pencil, even though I had downloaded the two files required for starting with the arrow a long time ago. I have re-downloaded them in case there was an up date, also, these files do not show up in my plugins list nor anywhere else in the tool bars. They are listed in my explorer in the plugin folder, are they even shown in the menu?
In any case, I am tired of the extra clicking.
Thanks in advance for what I am sure is a simple fix that I will be embarrased for asking about.
Glad to see you make it to this forum. I hope there is an easy way to make your component/texture repository work smoothly with this forum. Thanks for your continued efforts.
I found this thread late - hope it isn't too cold yet.
For your informal poll, I am a FormFonts subscriber and have found it to be a great resource and time saver.
I have quite a large collection of models and have organized them by categories, but still find it is difficult to pick from among the models in a category. Example, I have chairs divided into modern, traditional, office etc. but it still takes too much time to make an appropriate selection. I do like your though about Picassa as a model for organization where one can scan a large group of images at a larger scale and make an informed selection.
As for the old forum, it is almost impossible to find anything quickly by search as well as in the 3d warehouse specific objects are difficult to find quickly. A few months ago, on the old forum, Christian Foster started SU model depository as an answer to the forum and 3D-W confusion. It has a pretty good organization but didn't quite take off, coming as it did on the heels of the Google migration. The link to his model repository is below.
This domain may be for sale!
He hasn't shown up on on any of the forum in some time - hope he isn't discurouraged or burnt out.
I haven't been able to spend as much time as I would like helping out with SU issues, but really appreciate all of your efforts and of all the other regular contributors and will toss in my two cents when ever possible.
Hoping to be of some help -
THANK YOU for the tut . I import a lot of dxf dwg drawings and have wasted quite a bit of time trying to clean them up, this will be a major speed-up
TIG, thsnk you for the roof tool. I can see where it will save quite a bit of time.
Thanks Jim,these will be put to use quickly.
Attached is the suggested payment in beer. If you're in Park ridge Il. we can arrange the real liquid thing.
Thank you for the Pantone colors. These will come in very handy as many of our clients have corporate color schemes with pantone color numbers.
I just tried and received this message:
The website declined to show this webpage
HTTP 403
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This website requires you to log in.
What you can try:
Go back to the previous page.
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This error (HTTP 403 Forbidden) means that Internet Explorer was able to connect to the website, but it does not have permission to view the webpage.
For more information about HTTP errors, see Help.
Maybe they are down for a tune-up?
Hi to everybody over here.
I see Coens' avatar has him up a tree, probably was wondering about everyones reaction to the big switch!
This is good.
nice work....
you can come down from the tree now.
I see almost everyone is posting a new avatar in celebration of the upgrade, so, me too.
Thanks to Coen, Gai and all for your hard work to make these new "Homes" so comfortable.
I'd vote for #2, but as was said by several others, I would defer to your best judgement. I think saving the new registrations is important however, might give them a bad impression otherwise.
jim smith