Sorry to rain on the parade, but Rebus has been around for ages, they don't support any SU render plugins and besides, their initial file setup costs are too high to be useful for anything other than rendering commercial animations.
Full list of software they support:
**Autodesk 3ds Max
Vray -
Mental Ray -
finalRender -
Maxwell Render -
Vue xStream -
Brazil r/s -
scanline -
Maxon Cinema 4D
Vray -
Advanced Render -
finalRender -
Maxwell Render -
Vue xStream -
Standard Render -
Autodesk Maya
Mental Ray -
finalRender -
Maxwell Render -
Vue xStream -
Software Render -
Softimage XSI
Mental Ray -
Vue xStream -
Maxwell Render -
Luxology modo
Standard Render -
Newtek Lightwave 3D
Maxwell Render -
Vue xStream -
Standard Render -
Blender 3D
Standard Render -
YafRay -
Standalone Software
Mental Ray -
Maxwell Render -
Vue Infinite -**