Wow Pete that was off the top of your head! Lol! That's funny. Well anyway it looks like a much better bargain than Lumion at $2000 for the standard version. Is there a trial version of Lumen RT?

RE: LumenRT 4
RE: Evening Bar Visualization
I would also take the ceiling lighting down about 60% and see what the space would look like. I think you will like the results.
RE: Evening Bar Visualization
I really like this image, but I must agree with SRX. When you do a rendering this nice you need to use very high end models or use actual images of people in either a post processing workflow or use face me images because what this starts to look like is a room with nice mannequins posed. The hair and textures give it away. If you renderer uses RPC people that would be somewhere between the two but nice work. You did an amazing job with the room!
RE: Anyone want a fight ?
My goodness! The level of detail is just astounding! How long did this take you? Do you sleep?
RE: Reflections
Oh no John! We don't think you are cheating, we want to know what the gap looks like between the two. When the average person sees a rendering a lot of people don't understand what goes into producing a final image. Since you have mastered this and have it down to at least a well produced science, we like to see what it looks like when the model is raw or there is very little post work. But it also shows us the level of detail we need to be looking at before we send to a renderer or and how much post processing this type of image requires. And by showing us the starting point shows what you do is no small feat! Actually we are complementing you by saying to you.. "My goodness, that's incredible! Do you mind showing us how you did that?" If people actually thought you were cheating, no one would ask or comment. Think about it. What you posted is beautiful. And we all just sat up and took notice. And that is a good thing.
RE: Exporting SketchUp groundplanes to use in Photoshop
Thanks Chris! Love your plugins btw. How did you pick the colors for the pattern? Was the first image just used as a reference for your final or was that used to get your colors correct? This is seamless by the way. Really nice work. Thanks for the tip.
RE: Want to be part of my next collective book on SketchUp?
I'm interested. Do we sent the information to the link you provided here? And how would you like this? In PDF form or a word document? Is there a particular project you are interested in focusing on?
RE: Country landscapes at dusk NPR
This is beautiful. Did you do this in Sketchup?
RE: Reflections
Truly amazing as always! What rendering engine and version do you use? And if I may ask, how long did it take you to do this. Can we see a colored hidden line version of this image? That would make this even more impressive.
RE: [Plugin] Layers Panel 1.2.1
Any thought to adding Render[in], IRender-nXt or Shaderlight to the list? This is such a great plugin! Thank you for all your work.
RE: Photo Composite
Nice work marked001. I truly understand when you do a model for a client you don't always have an opportunity to make things perfect. The deadline is the deadline and the idea is to convey the point usually and not the just the image itself. May I ask what render-er you use? Or are you using just Photomatch?
RE: [Plugin] Layers Panel 1.2.1
Oh wow, this is truly a nice plugin. I wished that the standard layers toolbar worked this way. Now I want to install in on both my laptop and the desktop machine. This is one of the cleanest plugins I have used. Great work Jiminy. My top 10 now.
RE: Sketchup meets Fredo6 Plugins meets Maxwell render
This is pretty cool. The grass function does work well. Nice rendering.
RE: Flying Saucer Fun
Hey, that's pretty neat Bryan... what was your workflow for this? What renderer did you use?
RE: SketchUcation MUST BE MAD! UPDATE 23/07/2013
Mike, thank you and all the moderators, developers, programmers, and artists of this site. With all I have benefited from this sites existence, I have truly become a SketchUp addict and evangelist. Keep up the good work! ALL those who have contributed to this site should be commended for keeping this website alive!