Yeah! Neet! Wow I really Like the first and 4rd one! Awesome.

RE: Interior Rendering - SketchUp & Maxwell Render
@unknownuser said:
I don't mind you playing around at all - the problem with adjusting contrast, saturation levels etc. is that when these images PRINT, they are far too dark. I have conducted limited research into the problem of images appearing brighter on screen than they do in print, which has been made even more problematic because of todays backlit monitors. The image that you think appears too bright on screen will be much darker on paper and because these are usually presented on hard copy, I have to take that into consideration when finalising the image settings. I have had to calibrate my laptop to try and gauge how the image will appear when printed, as opposed to how it appears on screen.
The graininess is not something I strive to achieve! These images were rendered for a continuous 40 hours using my lowly laptop. When they are presented on paper, they are smaller and therefore the noise is less noticeable. My gripe with removing noise is that it blurs the detail in the overall image. I'm hoping that when I purchase a dedicated rendering workstation that is more powerful, that I will be able to achieve crisper images.
I have noticed with Maxwell Render (if you have not already) try to use mxm materials and lights if you are going to be doing final renders. I have found that it helps with render time and graininess.
RE: Model for Rendering Samples - Green Dragon
Wow I really 1ike the last two. When I get home I may join in.
RE: Interior Rendering - SketchUp & Maxwell Render
Anita, I like the lighting and modelling work. But if all possible try to render fro at leas another 4 hours or so to reduce the graininess in the images or use a noise reducer in a photo editing program like Paint-dot-net (free) Gimp(free)Photoshop Elements($) or Photoshop($$$)for quick clearer results. Otherwise these are excellent spaces. I wonder of you changed the wooden handles to chrome what the atmosphere would be like. keep up the good work.
RE: [Plugin] 1001bit Tools - Architectural tools for SketchUp
@gohch said:
Managed to catch the BUG!!!
The bugs in the tools that caused the crashes:
"extend to edge or face"
"information between 2 points"
have been fixed in the latest rbz file: have tested the other tools to work fine in SU2014,
if anyone has any issue, please let me know and i will look into it.
Thanks and cheers!
GohJust to let you know Goh that the link here is corrupted and cannot be downloaded. If this is a fix please re-post it again. Thank you. I love this plugin.
RE: [Plugin] Components manager plugin
Hi Inteloide,
Wow this looks promising. It reminds me of TIG's Xref tool. I won't be able to try it for a couple days but for a person who uses "offsite" components because I tend to edit them separately, this is like the Xref tool on steroids. Thank you! EB. -
RE: Maxwell for Sketchup Version 3 is Now here!
@numerobis said:
...but procedurals and Maxwell Scatter are not supported in the Sketchup plugin at the moment, but are announced to be added later.
Procedurals can be used via referenced MXMs - but Scatter can only be used in Studio at the moment (or other plaugins that already support it).Yeah I noticed. This is sad! the grass doesn't even work anymore. Why bother?
Maxwell for Sketchup Version 3 is Now here!
Check it out people! Maxwell version 3 for Sketchup (all versions) just arrived! They just added water and volumetrics to the mix!
RE: Ordinary people are sometimes extra ordinary !
Yeah, what Krisidious said. Kinda sad actually but true.
RE: Two sofas
Three things. One these are awesome! Two what plugin(or software) did you use to model this in? Three what did you use to render this in? Thanks for the post!
RE: The apartment with paintings
Wow! Massimo these are amazing. Even the raw renders are amazing! Thank you for the inspiration.
RE: Re: Some Funny Pics.
@gilles said:
@daniel said:
@olishea said:
@tobobo said:
Tried to pick one or two to share but I can't
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The last image scarred me for life!!
Funny if these same people would have been half their size this would be a sexy picture. LOL! It's amazing what a body-type can do to an image!
Just the last one?
Number 13 looks like it might be a horrible honeymoon pix!Nยฐ 15 scarred me for life, imagine them as your neighbours
I agree with the the comments above. But I would have never posed for number 3 either then I realized there is a snake in the picture!
...And what's going on with Nยฐ 18. I heard of 'cougar' relationships but is this guy of marrying age?
Nยฐ 11. Chicken and rice will never be the same for me again! If they added broccoli, they could have the whole reception meal here. Then all they would need to do is cut the cake and eat it and their done! LOL.
RE: [Plugin] Layers Panel 1.2.1
Wow, this plugin is really coming along! When you add the color functionality to the plugin. I will be able to use it exclusively. See as a developer and designer of buildings where renovation is the norm. Having a colored layer for existing work and a second color for work to be removed as well as a new work layer color is critical in developing the scope of a project long before you figure out materials. Thanks for the good work. The great aspect of your plugin would be to start off with the default color and only color the needed layers, but then anything put into that layer would have that color. This is a great checking system to make sure what you have created is in the correct layer. Thanks for your great work.
RE: [Plugin] RichSection V0.5.8 UPDATED march 2015
Wow, this is a amazing! This is starting to make Sketchup look more like a CAD modeler! Well done. I-Render Nxt also renders section cuts similar to Indigo. I will also try this with this and Layout later!
RE: [Extension][$] iSelect
Thanks Renderiza! This is perfect for very busy models! I like your plugins.
RE: Simple Artisan examples collection
Thanks guys. These will show me how to put together my next chair model.
RE: Rolleiflex Automat [Model Progression Thread]
This is beautiful! Do you have a deadline? What are you going to use to render this with?
RE: Warehouse Facility.
This is a neat project. Maybe add a couple of small dumpsters. But this looks good. Maybe take artisan an run a version through a poly reducer and then you can add one or two more items . And remember if you switch to wireframe mode you can move around easier! Then go to hidden line just to render.
RE: [Plugin] 1001bit Tools - Architectural tools for SketchUp
Yes! I will echo that! The service is excellent! I wish most software was as responsive. Well worth every penny! I now won't work on a machine without this plugin loaded on it! I recommend it to anyone using Sketchup to do any architectural project! Can't wait till the next version upgrade!