Solo this is nice. I have always liked your work. Is it truly that quick though? I was going to buy this when this version came out but now after they raised the price, it is just out of my current reach! Interesting, when a company develops a great product for Sketchup and it does well... They then make it available to the world. When they do, they raise the price because "professionals" won't take it seriously if it is too low or they cannot "write it off" then the people who made it popular cannot afford it anymore. What is the deal. Does anybody else see this or am I truly way off here? For some reason Sketchup is still not taken seriously. Anyway, these are very cool models. A little too much ambient light for me though.

RE: LumenRT 4
RE: [Plugin] Xref Manager
@tig said:
Here's v6.0
It's not the full update that is still in the very long pipe-line [web-dialogs etc], but it is issued to address reported problems with using PC DWG/DXF xrefs... AND now it allows these on MAC too...Wow! Thank you TIG! You are awesome! I will try this later! Thanks !!!
RE: [Plugin] Divide Angle v1.0.1 20130621
Sir, you are a mastermind that makes masterpieces. Thank you!
RE: [Plugin] Generate Ceiling Grid (Updated 27-Mar-2014)
Wow! Thank you! This is one of the best single architectural plugins I've seen. It works wonderfully! It does exactly what you expect it to do. Great job Sdmitch! This is a real time saver!
RE: Sample Model for Rendering
Here is my attempt. This was a 2 and a half hour render with 19 passes using the packet render in version 4 of IRender nXt. I used 4 lighting bounces 2 refraction and 2 reflective bounces. I wanted to create a slightly smokey space so I used the tone editor to bring up the contrast and lower the brightness and Saturation. Then I used the Nxt-image editor to add sharpen, change the lighting channels to emphasize the artificial lights I added a small about of dark grey haze and blur to the opposite end of the room for effect. I then added a bump map to the wood. I changed the light fixtures to match the color scheme; and changed the material on the chairs to a 'metal' I also made the glass on the table a little more translucent and misty. I hope you like it.
Elijah (Elibjr)

RE: Lumion + xfrog vegetation
Wow , Nice! Can I ask which version of Lumion you are using... Is it Free version 2b7?
RE: Modern apartment
Fymoro this is beautiful work. You mentioned that you merged the files in Thea. Do you have a project on the forum that show this process? That is a fast setup! This is a really nice interior.
RE: Fiat Punto MK2a (picture heavy)
Wow, this is amazing. What are you using to do this... are you just using artisan to do this? Beautiful man.. this is just sick. I need to really look at Artisan now. You are an inspiration. Great work.
RE: [Plugin] Create Section Drawing V1.3(update Dec16.2012.)
Wow, Tak2hata This is truly an amazing plugin. I can't wait to use it. The more I see plugins like this, I keep asking the question why Revit when you can SketchUp? It's plugins like this that will make Trimble proud they are getting a program that gets cooler by each user's contribution. Autodesk could NEVER say that. Great work!
RE: [Plugin Library] LibFredo6 - v15.2a - 12 Mar 25
Wow, Thank you very much. All of these plugins are truly a life saver. They bring Sketchup to a completely different level. I love them. And the more I use them the more I appreciate what they do. This had made Sketchup more than just a modeling toy to play with, these plugins (and others listed on the forum) allow the software to truly and indisputably become more of a productive too hands down! Thank you (and all of the other people who write rubies for this Software) again! WE should NEVER take ANY plugin listed here for granted!
RE: [Plugin] ArcByTools v1.2 20120412
Thank you TIG. I have always wanted this tool.
RE: [Plugin] Mirror
Thank You TIG. You have some of the most reliable plugins in the forum! You have changed my view of SketchUp forever!
RE: [Plugin] SketchUpBIM: Building Modeling made easy!
Wow, I just want to say thank you and your crew for starting such an awesome plugin. I have used Revit and this reminds me of those basic principles. I think you should try to figure out a way to do specific opening sizes for windows and doors, curtain walls, and foundations next. Putting together a quick tower was simple. If the slabs were generated as components and not just groups that would be even better ... maybe. That way you could put a railing on a balcony slab and have it replicate to each successive level. This is the first time I could tell my "Autodesk evangelists" friends that Sketchup is so much more capable that any closed source product.... if not for ideas like this. This is why Blender is so great too, It's people like you and Fredo6, TIG, Didier Bur, Thomthom, Chris Fullmer, Jim, Al & Rich Hart, Whaat and so may more that make this the most dangerous site for any high end software company. It's stuff like this that will make (and have made) companies like Next Limit, Chaos Group, Autodesk and others to take note. Keep up the good work... also thank the admin for creating this website. This is why Sketchup will become the most powerful design package in the world... can wait for version 9!
RE: Our good friend Honoluludesktop has passed away.
I feel like I lost a friend I never met. I send my condolences to the family.
He will surely be missed. I enjoyed his insight, advice and his resourceful plugins.You know, it is amazing what the internet has done over the last 15 years. With the advent of this form, we can have relationships with people around the world and may have never shook their hand. I feel like he was a "team member" that we lost.
Again, my regards to the family,
May he rest in peace. -
RE: Show Me Your SketchUp
This is my work set up. I have a two monitor setup only at work. I only have a single at home. Its difficult to try to replicate my system at home because of lack space. I have two different sized monitors shown. My CAD program likes to work with the left monitor as the main monitor and it wants to use 2 (actually 1.5) screens so when I am using that along with Sketchup, it takes the place of the mountain background shown here. All I have to do is click in the window to shift to that software.
Thanks for all those at this site who have developed the plugins that I use. You are all life savers.Although I can't wait for a ribbon menu or series of tabs for plugins to be perfected. Thanks for this thred.
RE: Tug Boat
This is one of the reasons why I come here. So much inspiration! This is amazing! I would love to put the second to the last two on my wall as artwork. Wow! This is just sick. How did you do thouse textures on the walls? ...And this rust on the boat... amazing. Love it!
RE: [Plugin]T2H_BuildingStructureTools2.2.4 in20141207
@tak2hata said:
Thanks for a lot of people cheers us!
Japan still seriously,
but we will revive surely,thanks to everyone's assistance.Thank you really.
I move to the west of Japan now, and am working.
So correcting this plugin seems for a while.To become more convenient, I want to devise it.
Thank you for you ..true...
Great to see that you are alive and well. take your time with the plugin. Your well being is much more important! Thanks again for it.
RE: [Plugin]T2H_BuildingStructureTools2.2.4 in20141207
@tak2hata said:
Thanks about the info of world steel beam tables.
I will read it later.
Earthquake hit me now!
Very Terrible.First of all, thank you for the use if the plug-in. But after this seeing this note and looking at he latest news reports of a 9+ Richter scale earthquake that hit your country last week and the rising with issue with the nuclear power plant because of the earthquake, I am praying that you and your family are OK! Please let us know your status when you can so we know that you are OK. We all appreciate what the work you and others have done on this plug-in, but my family and I are praying that you and your family will be able to get though this tough time.