Thank you for posting! These are excellent! It is great to see some people still take Sketchup seriously. Your hard work is to be commended!

RE: Catamaran
RE: SketchUp Plugins for Architecture
One new dynamic component plugin for doors and windows is a neat plugin by an independent programmer is Flex. -
RE: Skatter
JBB, did you say that it will work in Twilight too, which is based on a similar render structure as Kerkythea and Thea? Can this do things other than trees like cars and crowds birds etc? Looks great, $50 sounds reasonable!
RE: [Plugin] Simple Building Generator
Wow. This is an excellent plugin. The great thing about this is that the shapes are simple rectangular volumes which lend better for urban landscapes as opposed to pitched roofs. Well done!
RE: SketchUp Plugins for Architecture
Wow! This is a great thread! Thank you so much. Under Render, remember to add Brighter 3D which are available for free and paid for $100. -
RE: Layout to DWG/DXF: can it really be done?
Ahh! Edson, If your AutoCAD background is black the inser will not show. I had this issue before. Go into your options menu in AutoCAD and under display in model space change the background color to something like a dark gray and try the process again. Make sure you import while in model space. Because the Sketchup lines are black, for some reason they DO NOT default to white when you insert the file into AutoCAD. It took me a while to figure this out! I hope that helps.
RE: [Plugin][$] VisuHole - v1.5a - 01 Apr 24
Fredo this looks amazing! I can 't wait to play with this one!
RE: Import pdf into sketchup
Well, I still think it would be a great idea to add PDFs in the import file types for SketchUp. I makes sense because unlike jpgs, tiffs and bmps a pdf is not a raster image and can be measured like a dwg or dxf file. The other image files are raster images and no matter what quality they are saved in, they can't be compared to adding a vector image into your project as a background. This also would allow you to import this file type if you only have the Make version of SketchUp. Just a thought.
RE: VSF`s HMS Ontario Appears on Animal Planet
Congratulations! It is great to finally start to see SketchUp to be used as a primary modeling software in a mainstream network production... especially by one of our own here! Beautiful work! Keep it up!
RE: Newbee in car,,,
Ahh, Yeah, these are amazing! If you are a newbie then I am a baby! Don't be so modest! This is highly skilled and well sculpted work. The average person would need a completely different application to do this, you chose SketchUp and executed your vision effectively! Do not underplay your talents. It should not be taken for granted. Well done!
RE: Fifty Shades of Grey - Saucy 3D Visuals!!!
Ahh, I have to agree with Solo about the subject. I think to make the room really steamy, add some haze... for effect! I'm sure it will add to the feel. Even if it isn't accurate, add a candle or incense would be appropriate here! Thank for pushing Sketchup to the next level. You are now my new SketchUp hero.., ahem, I mean heroine! Love it!
RE: Castle Gate Scene
I Think this amazing. The only thing I would add is some trees in the background to the left. The place looks like it's in the middle of nowhere. Nice had painted effect!
RE: [Plugin] Eneroth Railroad System (v 0.1.21)
Wow! After reading these posts, this is one of the most promising productive plugins I have seen for Sketchup since I started using the software in 2009. Keep up the good work and someone will complete a whole Hollywood movie using your plug-in (with many others). I won't be able to do anything with it for the next few weeks but, this could be packaged with Vali Architects Instant Site Grader Nui and Plusspec to do a complete city. Awesome!
RE: [Plugin] Eneroth Railroad System (v 0.1.21)
Wow! There is no word to describe how amazing this plugin is! There is a LOT of work here! Like someone said before,I would love to see this in conjunction with the "Enderoth Roadway System" with moving cars!
This could then be the basis for a 'City Engine' like interface to generating a full city infrastructure system! Create a SketchUp parametric building modeler and you can develop set for model trains, virtual cities for the big screen and Real world studies for municipalities. Then export the whole thing component by component to a 3d printer and have a physical model to take to a municipal presentation for zoning!
This, my dear, is a real Sketchup game changer! Thank you for all the hours you spent on this! This should be voted as plugin on the month! Awesome! Sketchup: "The Next Big Thing". Can't wait to have fun with it!
RE: [Plugin] MoveIt
This was always a favorite plugin in my arsenal. Nothing else works quite like this! I hope it "plays well" with the other plugins.
RE: Model for Rendering Samples - Green Dragon
@d12dozr said:
How does my simulation look?
[attachment=2:1q2508sj]<!-- ia2 -->dragon01.jpg<!-- ia2 -->[/attachment:1q2508sj]
[attachment=1:1q2508sj]<!-- ia1 -->dragon02.jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:1q2508sj]
[attachment=0:1q2508sj]<!-- ia0 -->dragon03.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1q2508sj]Ok, these are real photos, if you couldn't tell.
I scaled the model down to 2" long and printed it on my little Solidoodle 3D printer. My printer needs some calibration, as you can tell from the stringy bits and uneven layers, but at least the photos can be used as reference for real world lighting conditions.
This is awesome! How long did it take this thing to finish? What is it made out of? Cool! I want one!
RE: Model for Rendering Samples - Green Dragon
I used IRender nXt...
I was first going to do a simple light around the table, but then I decided to MODEL a room as opposed to using an HDRI image. Then I decided to complicate matters by making the material 48% transparent, w/ 1.5 refraction, 73%+/- Translucency, and then checked Thick and Gather (this gives it the speckles when light goes through it). Attenuation at about 35%, 10% Dispersion and about 70% Saturation. I made the reflection intensity over 70% and Sharpness about 50%. Because of this, it took a while to render! The chairs lamps and vase are from the 3D Warehouse. The room is a rectangle with 5 windows into it. There is a lamp in each corner. I with the nXt image editor I did one render and created 6 images with the lighting channels. There is a Sun channel, a Sky channel, and a Lighting channel. I can add color variations too. I had too way much fun here. Thanks all for posting this thread Al.
Elibjr - EB